Familiar Breath of My Old Lies

Chapter Thirty-Six

“Brian, its been six weeks,” Matt said.

“I don’t care. I did this to her, Matt. I hurt the one person who loved me more then anyone has,” Brian replied.

So I’ve been here six weeks. Wow, I’m still stuck in this fucking coma. I want to wake up. I miss my family. I miss Brian.

“You know there’s only a 75% chance she’ll wake up.”

“Matt, just leave him,” Val said. She hugged Brian and they walked out of the room.

“Baby, if you can hear me, please squeeze my hand. I need to know you’re still alive in there. I want you to wake up so bad. I need you. Michelle is gone for good. I told her I wanted nothing to do with her. I screwed up so bad. Please wake up. Please, dear God, please make her wake up soon,” Brian cried.

He kissed me on the forehead and his tears slipped down to my face.

I want to wake up. Please let me wake up.

I squeezed his hand as hard as I could and he opened his brown eyes to meet with my hazel ones.

He just looked at me for a minute.

“Are….are you really awake?” He stuttered and then found his voice.

I nodded because I couldn’t speak.

“Holy shit, I’ve to go get the doctor.”

He was so excited and I heard him yelling for the doctor. He walked in with a team of nurses.

“She finally woke up,” the doctor said. I mentally rolled my eyes.

“Would you like to be able to speak?”

I nodded. They gently took the tube out of my throat and I coughed a bit. One of the nurses handed me a cup of ice water and I drank it slowly before I started to talk.

“Brian, I know you’re sorry,” I whispered, “I’m sorry I put you through this.”

“We need to run some tests to make sure you are okay and see when you can be released.”

I glared, “No needles.”

Brian laughed, “She hates needles. She was probably damning you guys to hell a couple of days ago.”

“Duh,” I replied.

I knew they would stick me with needles anyway. I endured it and didn’t watch them do it. They let Brian stay after he called everyone to let them know I was awake.

Austin was pissed at me for a few minutes and then said he was glad I was finally awake. The doctor told me I’d be able to go home in a couple of days, but that I would be on suicide watch.

I rolled my eyes at that. I’m not suicidal….okay, so I did try to kill myself, which was the dumbest decision I’ve ever made, but still….

My mom and dad walked into the room.

I looked at Brian. I wanted him to stay and he knew that so he moved closer to me.

“Mom. Dad.”

“What were you thinking?” Mom asked bitterly.

I rolled my eyes and kept my comments to myself.

“Why did you come here?”

“We wanted to make sure you were okay,” Dad said.

“I am now that I’m awake.”

“By the way, who is he?” Mom asked pointing to Brian.

“I’m Brian, Delilah’s boyfriend,” He said looking at me for assurance. I nodded my head. It was okay that he said he was my boyfriend. I forgave him, but I will never forget and he will have to earn my trust back.

Mom and dad just looked at him and then walked out of the room.

“I told you how they were,” I said.

“I believe you now,” He replied.

We sat in silence for a few minutes.



“After this is all said and done, do you want to move out to California with me? You can sign up for online classes if you want. I just want you close to me. I can’t do this long distance thing anymore.”

I thought for a minute before I smiled, “Yeah, I would love that.”

He smiled back and then kissed me. I forgot how addicting his kisses were.