Familiar Breath of My Old Lies

Chapter Thirty-Nine

“Ugh, Kels, can you help me?” I asked. I had started packing the rest of my stuff and my room was a mess.

Kelsey laughed at me as she surveyed what was in front of her.

“Not funny.”

“Pshh, it is too, Lilah.”

I rolled my eyes as she finally started to help me pack. Most of my stuff had been shipped out already, like my car. Most of clothes were shipped too, so its all good, except for this mess. We got it all figured out though.

Brian was suppose to come out and help me, but he got caught up with the guys. Go figure. It kind of annoys me, but I won’t say anything to him.

“I can’t believe you’re leaving me,” Kelsey whined.

“Kels, you know you’re welcome to come and visit me anytime you want too. This will be good for me,” I replied.

“I know, but its just weird…”

I nodded knowing what she meant.

The next morning, Kelsey drove me to the airport. I had already said goodbye to everyone else that mattered. I knew the other cheerleaders were probably happy I was leaving. Stupid bitches.

“Bye Kelsey. I’ll miss you,” I said hugging her after my flight was called.

“I’ll miss you, too. Have fun out there and behave,” She replied.

I just smirked and picked up my carry on bag. Then I made my way onto the plane.

I sat down in my seat, which happened to be the window seat. Great. Then this older lady sat down in the seat next to me. I gave her a light smile and she just raised an eyebrow at me. I just bit my lip and looked out the window. Soon enough, we were in the air and I had my earphones in, blasting Tokio Hotel. I mouthed the words to Rescue Me, while I dug into my bag for my notebook. I finally found it and began writing a song. I like to write sometimes. It helps calm me down. I got frustrated with what I was writing and put it up. I figured if I went to sleep, time would go by faster and it did.

I was being shaken awake by the lady next to me.

“We just landed,” She said.

I nodded and got my stuff together. I really hope Brian wouldn’t disappoint me again by not being here to pick me up.

As soon as I walked to baggage claim, I was met by Brian. He picked me up and twirled me around.

I giggled, “Brian, stop, you’re going to make me sick.”

“And we don’t need that,” Brian replied laughing. He helped me get my bags and we were off to his house.

When we got there, my stuff went intohis our room and we laid down on the bed.

It was quiet and we were cuddling until my stomach growled.

“Hungry?” Brian asked.

“Yeah, starving actually.”


I nodded, “You know what I like.”

He grabbed the cordless from the nightstand and called the Chinese place. He actually had their number on speed dial. I love Chinese, especially Sweet and Sour chicken….yum.

“It’ll be here in twenty minutes.”


“I’m glad you’re here, Lilah. I missed you. A lot.”

I bit my lip, “I missed you, too. I hated being away from you for so long.”

“I did, too.”

We sat in silence until the doorbell rang and Brian went down to see who it was. He was gone maybe five minutes and came back with our Chinese and two Dr. Peppers.

“Yay! Food.”

Brian laughed at me then gave me my food and Dr. Pepper.

A couple of days later, I was in the backyard tanning by the pool. Brian was with the guys doing something with their music. I heard the gate open and I looked up to see Michelle walk through it.

She gasped, “What are you doing here?”

I raised an eyebrow, “Hun, I live here.”

“I…I didn’t know you were back with him,” She said.

“Well, I am.”

She bit her lip, “I’m sorry for everything I’ve caused…”

I was taken aback by her apology.

“Are you serious?”

“Yeah, I know he loves you, Delilah. What Brian and I had is in the past. You are his future, so I’m sorry.”

I nodded, “You’re forgiven, Michelle. I’ve always thought you were a good person. You just screwed up a bunch and I know you’re trying to make it right. We’ll never be friends, but I think we understand each other a little bit.”

“I think so, too.”

“So did you really know I wasn’t here?”

She blushed knowing that I knew.

“I knew you were…..I talked to Val and she told me you were here. I just wanted to act surprised because I really didn’t know until she told me. Anyway, I’m going to get back to my house.”

She waved and then walked back out of the gate.

Awkward. Although I am glad she apologized. It will never fix what she did or what Brian did, but it’s a start. After she left, I got up from my chair and went inside to take a shower. I figured I had enough sun for today.

Two hours later, Brian came home. I was sitting on the couch flipping through channels and texting Brooke at the same time.

“Hey babe,” He said kissing me on the lips.

“Hey, you will never believe who came by today…”

He had went into the kitchen to get a beer and came back out to sit next to me. He opened it and took a gulp.



His eyes about popped out of his head and he almost dropped his beer.


“To apologize for everything….and she meant it.”

“Wow, I would have never expected that from her.”

I shrugged, “Me either.”

He sat the can down on the table and pulled me into his lap. I knew where this was going.

“So, I think we really need to make up for the time we haven’t been able to be with each other,” He smirked.

“I like the way you think,” I replied, “So why don’t we go up to our room?”

He got up from the couch, me still in his arms and ran up to our room. I was laughing the whole way up.

I have to say that this was probably going to be several rounds to make up for lost time.
♠ ♠ ♠
This one is long to make up for past short chapters....
and I'm working on the last chapter right now.
Its going to be a happy ending of course.