Familiar Breath of My Old Lies

Chapter Four

These past two weeks have been killer. Between, classes, practices, hanging out with the guys, and the football games, I'm exhausted. But, right now, I don't have time to be exhausted. It's finally the night we get to see Avenged Sevenfold and I'm pretty fucking excited. Brooke is too, however, Austin and her have been getting pretty close lately. I don't like that at all. It's weird.

"Delilah, what are you wearing to the show?" Brooke asked.

"Um, I don't yet."

"Okay, I'll find you something," Brooke replied. I just nodded in response.

She ended up handing me my holey jeans, a black Jack and Sally tank top and my converse. Brooke was wearing pretty much the same thing except her shirt was an Aiden tank top.

Twenty minutes later, we were on our way to the concert. Austin was driving, Brooke was in the passenger seat, Mike, Mark, and Cody were in the back seat with me sitting on Cody's lap. Joe decided not to come because he was puking his guts out. I, for one, do not want to get sick. I can't afford to get sick.

Anyway, we finally got to the club type thing and we got to go right inside. That's the perks of being Austin Winkler's little sister. We found M. Shadows or Matt sitting at the bar and we walked over to him.

"Hey Matt," Austin said getting his attention.

"Austin, hey dude," He replied. They did that guy hug and Matt said hey to the other guys.

"Oh, I want you to meet my little sister, Delilah, and her best friend Brooklyn," Austin said pointing to us.

"Hey, I didn't know you had a sister."

"A lot of people don't," I said.

"Well, come on and you can meet the other guys," Matt said smiling at us.

"Are you guys coming?" I asked. Austin and the guys shook their heads no.

I just shrugged and grabbed Brooke's arm, dragging her as we followed Matt backstage. As we got there, Val threw her arms around Matt. I smiled at them.

"Everyone, this is Austin's sister Delilah and her friend Brooklyn. Girls, this is everyone," Matt said laughing.

"Hi," I said shyly. Brooke poked me in the ribs.

"Why are you being shy? Stop it," She said.

"Want something to drink?" Syn asked.

"Hell yes, do you have JD?" Brooke asked. Syn gave her a duh look and she squealed.

I rolled my eyes as she took the bottle from him and turned it up. She's is going to be so screwed if anyone finds out she is drinking.

"So how old are you two?" Matt asked.

"I'm nineteen and Brooke is twenty," I replied.

"You not drinking?" Zacky asked.

"She doesn't drink," Brooke answered for me. The guys looked at me funny.

"Yeah, well, I don't particularly feel like getting kicked off the squad either, Brookie."

"Cheerleaders?" Syn asked.

"Mhmm, University of Georgia," I replied.

"Well, thats.....cool," He said. I just raised any eyebrow.

"Avenged, you are on in five minutes," A techie said.

The guys nodded and got up to get ready.

"Coming with me to the pit?" I asked Brooke.

"Hell yeah."

We followed the guys out and Matt gave us some passes before they went on stage. The crowd went nuts as they came out. Brooke and I were currently making our way to the front. We got right in the mosh pit. Tomorrow we were going to look black and blue, I knew we would.

Brooke and I screamed the words to Critical Acclaim right along with Matt. Pretty soon, I was getting elbowed in the face. I backed up a bit, but that didn't help at all. I don't mind getting hit or whatever, I just don't like getting hit in the face.

By the time the guys got off stage and we fought our way back to the bar where they were meeting us, Brooke and I both had busted lips and other bruises.

"Shit sis, what happened?" Austin asked.

"Mosh pit. Can we get two waters, please?" I asked the bartender. He nodded and handed us the water.

We talked to all of the guys of Avenged for awhile and then we headed back to our dorms, but not before we switched numbers with them.

"Brian was a bit of a jerk," Brooke said as we walked into our room.

"Yeah, I know. It's weird"

"He's still dating Michelle, isn't he?"

I shrugged, "I don't know and I don't care. I'm going to bed. Goodnight."

I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.