Status: finished



For so long I've been running. Running and running, and when i couldn't run anymore, i crawled. So desperate, so primal is this fear of the monster.Yes, the monster. The one that comes to you in the darkest hours of night.IT haunts your dreams, hides in the shadows. It follows you, stalks you, hunts you. It confuses you, wears you down into nothing. A hollow shell that jumps at the smallest sound.Its the monster that's under your bed. Its the fear that freezes you where you stand, helpless, hopeless, dead. Its the thing that goes bump in the night. Its the shadow that's black than black. Its the screams of your family and friends as they burn, withering, twisting, before your eyes. Running from the monster won't save you.You can't stop it, can't kill it. It feeds on your fear, your desperation. You can't run from this monster. so I've stopped running, stopped trying to deny the monster. and as it swallows me whole, consumes me with its black hate, i realize something. The monster is me. And you.The monster is us,in us, living because of us. Its the darkest corner of our minds, the shadows behind the shadows. Its the anger we will not speak, the hate we will not feel, the darkness we deny. Its is the manifestation of our darkest wishes, our wrongest wants, the blackest part of our hearts. It grows like a festering wound, infecting. It enjoys our pain and suffering. The monster takes over. I am the monster. I am the thing that makes predators hide. I am the demon that drags you to hell. I am your nightmare become reality. I am your fears come alive. I am the Monster and the monster is You