Status: Updating as much as possible :)

Come With Me

Butterflies (Sean's POV)

I slowly awoke from my restless slumber. I was awake all night, fuck you Gavin! Yeah, Gavin stayed over last night and when Gavin stay over, guess who doesn't get any sleep? Muggins over here.

It's half six in the morning and we have school. "Gavin? Gavin?!" I hissed. Gavin made no movement, bastard, he always get's me up! "God Gav, ya prick." I mumbled picking up the nearest shoe and throwing it at his head. It was mine, which meant they stunk. So if the force of the hit didn't wake him up, the stench would.

"Fuck you Sean. Fuck you." He mumbled sitting upright. "Nah, I'd rather not." I giggled as he glared at me.

"Gav, we have school. That's why I'm getting you up this early." I grumbled picking up my stupid school uniform and going into the bathroom. He better get changed, I mean it.

Once we were changed we had some breakfast. It was minging. Dad cooked it, he's not as good as Mum when it comes to cooking. Mum's a beast when she cooks, it's just so good!

"Hey, hey Gav?" I aksed. He knew what was coming, an annoying joke, so he kept ignoring me. What? I'm a hyperactive 14 year old. Everyone knows that!

"Sean, straight home don't go to Gavin's or anyone else's. Okay?" Mum told me sternly.
"Why?" I asked.
"We have guests staying with us."
With that I nodded and excused myself from the table, guests meant we were low on money and that my parents needed a way to make more. I don't understand why they won't let me get a job to help with finances? I'd be happy to help out!

"Hey, ready to man?" Gav asked picking up his school bag.

We caught the bus to school, even thought there was no need we could have walked it in 20 minutes. We're lazy fuckers though. Plus, it was the bus Ian got on.

Ian Watkins, my high school crush. They boy only Gav knew I liked, in fact only Gav knew I was gay.
No-one else. Not even Rhys, Snoz, Matthew or James. And they are my best friends. Nobody. My parents, well I haven't bucked up the courage to tell them yet, I don't know whether they are homophobes or what, they've not said anything to discriminate gays yet, so here's hoping.

Back to Ian.

He looks at me oddly, but I accept that he's just looking at me to decide whether I'm gonna be a punchbag or something.
But he looks at me a lot. Everyday to be in fact, in every lesson I'm in with him, he stares at me.
It gives me butterflies if he smiles my way.

"Sean? Seaaaannn? Earth to Sean?" Gav giggled waving his hand in front of my face. Damn, musta been day dreaming again. I always do that!
"Oh, uhh, yeah?"
"ohhh daydreaming over him." Gav teased. That earned him a playfull hit.

As the bus pulled up at the school gates Gav and I got up, but seeing as I was on the isle seat, I let Ian past first. Gavin glared at me. He hates waiting for anyone. Not even me.
Oh well.

"Gav? What do I have first?" I asked. He knew my timetable better than me.
"History, with Mr Sullivan." He laughed then went off to his class.

Ian sat next to me in history. I loved it, we did talk but not often. When we did it didn't last long. Either he got embarrased my talking to me or I just stuttered so much that we kinda stopped talking all together...


"Hey." I whispered taking my usual seat next to Ian.
"Hey." He smiled. Butterflies arose in my stomach. Why does he always do that?!

"Sean? Why are you always so quiet?" He asked softly while we were meant to be working on our projects.
"Uhmmm. err..." I shrugged then got back to work.

He looked at me softly then also got on with his work.
I think he was working...

5 minutes later I got a note from Ian. I opened it quietly and slowly to see what it said.

Sean. Why are you so quiet?
I would like to talk to you more often...

The butterflies that were already in my stomach fluttered around even more. Ian Watkins put "xoxo" at the end of the note. Does he like me that way? I highly doubt it, he could put that on the end of every note/text/letter...

I don't know. Just am. xox.

I wrote back.

Come and meet me a break. I want to ask you something. xoxo

I looked at him and nodded. He smiled. Then we both got on with our work.

This lesson has been pretty good. Better than others.
♠ ♠ ♠
New story!

Sorry if this chapter is a shortie :/
I put a lot of detail in it.. I think....
Thank choo for reading.
Commenters are much appriciated so are subscribers.
Next chapter will be in Ian's POV written by RachaelGrohl.

Luv yas!
Jackass (Jemma_Vengeance6661X) xoxox