Status: Updating as much as possible :)

Come With Me

Don't hold your breath cause I'm not losing sleep over you... (Sean's POV)

“What are you doing?” Ian asked me politely. I was rubbing his hand? Does that sound weird? I think I’m thanking him in a way. He’s the one that opened my eyes to the world of men, he’s the one who made me sure that I do like guys... I guess I’m just that weird. “I’m thanking you.” I stated. He nodded and waited for Mr Thompson to walk into the room.

“Sean, will you hang out with me at lunch?” Ian asked. I owe it to him, when we were going out and I was cheating on him with Gavin, I always hung out with Gav instead. Possibly not the best idea. “I- Uh, yeah. I’ll hang out with the guys at lunch though. I could talk to Gav about an open relationship?” Ian smiled then took a hold of my hand. I forgot how soft his hands were.

“EW! FAGS!” Someone yelled at me when I kissed Gav in front of everybody. I just smiled into the kiss while flipping everyone off. All the guys kiss their girlfriends, why can’t I kiss my boyfriend? I don’t know, why are people so homo-flipping-phobic? “Shut it you!” I heard Lee yell at everybody. Why is Lee suddenly sticking up for me? Then I realised, he was kissing Ian. Ian was kissing back. A rage of jealousy spread across me, I ran into the boys bathroom and into a cubical.

Tears started falling down my face. I was angry, jealous, hurt. Ian was kissing him back. Why am I jealous? Ian and I have broken up! Fuck, blondy shut it! You and Ian are over! You won’t have a chance with him, he has Lee and you have Gavin. Just breathe.

Taking deep breaths didn’t help. I was crying more and more now. “Sean? You okay?” I heard a familiar, Welsh accent. It was Lee. What was he doing coming to help me? Why? He hates me. Always has, always will. “Did Ian or Gavin make you come?” I cried. “No. I wanted to come explain what I’d done.” He whispered. I unlocked the door and walked into the open room. “Explain then. Fucker.” I mumbled.

Lee explained the whole ‘kiss’ and I understood. It was to shock everyone even more. It was funny to be honest with you. “Sean!” Gav cried pulling me into a hug. I hugged back, squeezing him. “What happened to you bubs?” He asked softly rubbing his hand down my back. “It doesn’t matter now. Gav, do you want to come round to mine straight after school?” I asked. I have something planned... Yes that, you perverse freaks. I don’t care if we’re underage...

The moaning asylum bell rang and Gav ran up to me. Taking my hand in his. “Ready to come to mine?” I asked smirking. He stopped dead in his tracks... “W-what do you have planned?” I smiled. Then leaned in close into his ears. “I want to take your virginity.” He smiled and nodded. “But we’re underage?” I nodded. “Who has to find out?” I smirked.

Thankfully mum isn’t home. She would definitely freak out over this, oh well. “Come here.” I said pulling Gavin into a long kiss. We broke the kiss, running upstairs into my room. When we got into my room, I locked the door (mum decided to give me a lock on my door seeing as my big brother always walks right in, and seeing as he doesn’t know I’m gay, it’s a pretty good idea. You don’t know who I’ll be fucking...). Gavin and I started stripping. Well, just tops off. He pushed me onto the bed then started kissing me again. All the way down my chest... He undone my trousers, throwing them onto the floor. “What about yours?” I smiled as he took his off then threw them onto the floor, next to my trousers.

“Are you ready?” Gavin asked as he positioned himself at my entrance. “Ye-Yeah.” I smirked. Gavin entered me and I cried out in pain. “This hurts Gav.” I whined as he kissed my cheeks. “Don’t worry baby. I can come out if it hurts too much.” I whimpered at those words. “No, keep going.” He thrusted hard into me. Hitting my prostate. “Oh-oh... mhhhmmmm... OH GAVIN...!” I moaned like a flipping whore!!

Half an hour later we were lying in my bed, naked may I add. Only just awake. “Seanny boy, I love you.” Gavin smiled. “I love you too.” I’d forgotten all about Ian, all about his kiss with Lee. I was happy, I loved Gavin. But I still love Ian...
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it's short...
I feel dirty now...

