Status: Updating as much as possible :)

Come With Me

The hardest part is waiting here, ready to collide. (Ian's P.O.V)

History went rather good, well... Better than usual.
I bet he felt slightly sorry for me, or what if it killed him that a guy would even think of sending a note like that to him?
No, Ian! Stop being completely fucking stupid. He's straight, I fucking know it.

I sighed and walked down the corridor with Lee. "What's up?"
"Nothing..." I grunted and walked further ahead.
"Well it looks like someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning! Mr. moody pants." Lee laughed and skipped up the corridor.
"You sound really pathetic..."
"So does your face." He stuck his tongue out and ran into our Maths class.

"Ew. Ian Watkins." Travis shouted from the back of the class. Here, is a boy who thinks 2+2 = 22... Then again, most people in this class do too. "Kill anyone with that face of yours today?" He snorted and gained himself a numerous amount of high fives.

"Travis, that's enough. If you actually learned something in this class then maybe you'd stop being a cheeky bugger." Mr. Henderson shouted while turning on the projector. The whole class apart from Me, Lee, Mr. Henderson and about 2 others, erupted into the sound of booing. "That's enough the lot of you!"

I slid my bag under my desk and sat down, I never wanted this period to end. Considering I'm going to possibly fuck up my friendship with Sean at break...
Oh you're fucking kidding me right?
A film?
We're watching a fucking film?
This is going to be the shortest lesson ever...

"Ian can I talk to you?" I stopped in the door way and reversed back into the class as everyone else piled out of the door. "How do you think you're getting on in class?"

"Well considering everyone else thinks 2+2 = 22... I'm fucking Albert Einstein compared to these twats."

"Hey! Cut the mouthy-ness! I think you're doing rather well, and I'm pondering on if I should move you up a class, just letting you know. Now go on, have your freedom before your next lesson."

I raised my eyebrow and darted out of the room, out into the grounds of our school. I needed to find Sean.
I bet he never talks because he doesn't like me or something like that.
I just, loved him.
His hair was different than others, blonde with a pink streak through it. Mines? Black.
Pretty ordinary.

I know there's a lot of people with brown eyes, but Sean's... His are a mixture of Brown and Green. What's that called... I thought to myself, screwing faces until I finally remembered. Ah, Hazel...
Why am I attracted to someone like Sean?
I remember walking past him one time, and he never noticed me. Him pulling those cheeky little faces at Gavin. Gav's really lucky to be best friends with him...

I sighed and walked off. Sometimes I annoy myself when I think about these things. The throbbing pain in my shoulder came back. This morning I fell down the stairs in a rush to get ready. I clutched onto my shoulder as I peered round the corner.
The only thing on my mind right now.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry if this is rather short. I'm in a story writing mood and wanted to get this up as soon as possible.
P.s The title is lyrics from a Foo Fighter's song. 'Burn Away' :)

If you're reading this, THANK YOU!