Status: Updating as much as possible :)

Come With Me

I keep fading into you, drowning in your darkest blue. (Ian's P.O.V)

I stumbled about the park for half an hour. Sean, why aren't you texting back...? I was alone for 20 minutes and sent him a text, then he said it was going great, and that the cinemas was off. Now I've tried phoning him and it's just rung out.
Surely he's just sorting stuff with Gavin... It's not like... No. Stop it Ian. Stop it right now. He wouldn't do that to you... Would he?
I threw my arms up in frustration and sat on a swing, talking to myself again. He wouldn't cheat, never, not Sean. But it's a bit suspicious... Just a bit.

"Hello. Earth to Ian!" Lee waved his hand in my face, and laughed when I snapped back to reality. "Where's little Seany boy." He giggled and sat on the swing next to me.

"Gavin's." I groaned and kicked a stone in front of me. "And he's not answering his phone, and he cancelled the cinemas tonight... I... What if him and Gav are..." I gripped my hair and leaned over so that my elbows were resting on my knees. Lee made a kind of whiny noise. I chose to ignore it, until he started to swing and talk.

"You know, you shouldn't get worked up. Even if he has, it's his own fucking fault. Sean's a lucky guy, and he needs to realize that." He kept swinging, almost to the point where he would of gone right over the bar.

"What do you mean..... Lucky." I snapped my head up to watch him.

"Well, meaning. Sean's fucking lucky to have someone like you." Lee jumped off of the swing, in mid-air. "Shit!" He crashed on the rocky ground not too far in front of the swings, howling as his back hit the ground.

"Let me help." I hauled myself off of the swing and stood towering above Lee. I laughed and pulled him to his feet with one hand, although Lee didn't let go of my hand. What the bloody hell... I raised my eyebrows when he gripped it tighter and took a step towards me. That got alarm bells ringing in my head, saying 'Hey Ian, if you don't run now. You'll be kissing him in a matter of seconds.' ... Of course there was that little prick at the back of my head. 'Ian, remember 2 years ago...' I wouldn't let my thoughts continue. I yanked my hand out of Lee's grasp and ran to a crowd of trees, surrounded by huge hedges that were about 2 feet taller than me. Not realizing that there was a tree meters in front of me. Me being a clumsy prick I ran right into it, falling back into the mud. "Fucking hell..." I cursed under my breath.

"E... Do you need some help?" Lee walked round in front of me... I sighed and nodded as I was pulled up, with my back to a tree. "Sorry."

"It's fine, it's fine... Just, what was that back there?"

"Well..." Lee started to run his hands through his hair. "Okay, I've had a fuck load of girlfriends, I may as well be a man whore. A player. Whatever you wanna call it, but. Ian, those were cover ups..." He stepped towards me again. Shit... "I know you're with Sean but, y'know when I went out with Jade in first year?" He rubbed the back of his neck. "I liked you. But." He started to shout and he pushed me against the tree. "Fucking hell! How come Sean's the lucky one? How come he's the one always with you?"

"Because he's my boyfriend..." I said in a sarcastic voice, only making Lee's temper rise. And I thought I was a bad one for having a short temper.

"That's not the fucking point! I've been your friend for years, your best friend. How can Sean just..." He kept a strong hold of my shoulders as he burst into tears, staring at the ground. I pulled my phone out and tried to give Sean a call. "You're phoning him at a time like this?!" I ignored Lee and kept hearing the constant ringing tone, till it finally rung out. I stared at my phone as the words 'Sean xx' disappeared into my wallpaper. That made my temper rise too, I threw my phone into the mud and screamed into my hands. Lee knelt down and picked my phone up, putting it in his back pocket. "Just so you won't kill your phone." He sighed and slid his hands into my back pockets. "Look, E. Just don't worry about it. Please."

"How?! How the fuck can I?" I went white as soon as I realized just how much I've screamed into his face. Fucking hell. Why? Just why? I liked Lee 2 years ago when he was with Katie in first year. And now, those feelings are just flooding back. Lee just stared at me for a minute before he leaned forward. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck... The gap between our lips finally connected and Lee pushed himself against me. What now? Just.
What bloody now?

I slowly found myself sliding my hands round him and feeling the cold shoot up my arms coming from his lower back. The guilt inside of me slowly started to rise as Lee kissed harder, and harder. I kept a good grip round him and started to lick his bottom lip, right before his tongue clashed with mines, they melted together... Perfectly even. I know this sounds, horrid. I'm a fucking whore for this but, Lee's a great kisser.

After about 5 minutes Lee pulled away, his breath short and ragged. "E, I'm sorry. I... Couldn't control myself..." He stepped back and 'Jump Around' blared from his ass. "Erm, I think that your phone." I grinned and pulled my phone out of his back pocket.

"Hello?.... Oh hey!" Lee frowned and I mouthed 'it's Sean'

"Sorry about not being able to go to the cinemas. I'm still sorting stuff with Gav."

"It's fine! I'm just pissing about at the park." I laughed down the phone.

"Oh, that's good. Anyway, sorry again. I might not text, still with Gav."

"Okay that's alright." I heard Gavin giggle in the background and the line went dead. That's it? Not even 'Love you bye'... I pouted and put my phone away. Remembering what had just happened. "Now I'm really convinced he's up to something."

"Shut up E. D'ya wanna come to mines and help out with my math stuff. It's fucking solid." I rolled my eyes and smiled.

"Because 2+2 = 22?"

"Well, it could!" Lee frowned as I laughed and put my shoulder round him, pulling him across the park.

"Actually 2+2 = 4 ya numpty."
♠ ♠ ♠
Lovey dovey stuff! Oh. Also E is what everyone actually calls Ian just for shorts. :)
(One time they called Ian, E on a Kerrang podcast)

Title : The Darkest Blue - Lostprophets
