You Do Not See the Man In the Corner

The Puppet and The Puppeteer

When Gerard was confronted about his books, and the reflecting events in them and Aaron's past, he is left with a choice to make. Should he let Aaron read it and clarify her worry/ puzzlement?

Gerard decides to let her read it, thus putting their friendship on the line. Aaron reads it, right before she goes to the common roon that Thursday, and sees that Gerard has already written out to the next day's events. He had even written about Aaron reading the story and her reaction.

Everything made scense then; the parallels between her life and his stories, the character, the creatures, the deaths, all of it.

When Aaron got to the common room, she was irate. When Gerard called out to her to join him, her wings flung out and she flew at him, pinning him to the couch. "What the hell is going on!" she demanded.

"What are you TALKING about?!" Gerard cried, threatened by Aaron's lash of anger. She had never revealed her true form, on purpose, to him before.
"Everything you wrote, EVERYTHING, was stuff from MY life! Are you some sort of stalker? How do you know all this!" Aaron yelled.

"I swear, it was just a story! I didn't even know who you were until I got here and asked you where the bathroom was! I swear! I swear! I didn't know!" Gerard cried, almost pissing his pants.

Aaron stared him down, not sure if she should believe him.


How would YOU react,
If someone knew everything about you,