Status: Active

Snatch Me If You Dare


Blaise twisted her wrists she could feel blood begin to ooze she'd given herself some lovely rope burn it seemed. The tent flap opened and Blaise tensed up ready for at least a verbal fight. Tied up like she was to the bed she couldn't do much kick a little but that could be quickly remedied with a Incarcerous. The last-OK second to last she did not want to be meeting Fenrir Greyback anytime soon up close and personal- person walked into the tent with a cocky smirk.

"You've been very very naughty Blaisey." Blaise scowled at the old nickname glowering at him. "And you'll fetch a fair price from the Dark Lord."

"After you've had your bit of fun naturally." Blaise retorted with an innocent look on her face, she'd never claim to be able to guess his next move. That was something she had barely been able to do in school when they were together every free second. This new Scabior this Snatcher was nothing like the boy she had known in school she decided as she reeled from the kick to the face. That boy had while not entirely kind and delicate with her had never raised a hand in anger to her never touched her in anyway she would have or did object too.

"You always did have a smart mouth." Scabior said before she had even released he was there he had pinned her legs down and was straddling her hips leaning over.

"You used to like it." Blaise snapped Scabior scowled nostrils flaring Blaise prepared for the aftermath and was rewarded with a slap hard enough to snap her head to the side.

"Better keep that mouth shut or I'll have a lot more fun then planned breaking you of that habit."

"Good if I'm keeping my mouth shut I don't have to try and dumb my conversation down for you." Blaise moaned tears filling her eyes she refused to let fall who knew getting punched in the mouth could hurt that damn much. As a general rule Blaise tried to avoid fist fights whenever possible and had never when unable to block or fight back in general.

"Better keep quiet or I might just throw you to Greyback before turning you in Voldemort don't look too kindly on blood traitors who are killing his men." Blaise didn't respond more from pain then anything Merlin knew she had plenty of comebacks. Scabior stood keeping her legs pinned down as long as possible ready to dodge any kicks Blaise would attempt to hit him with. "See you later pet."


Blaise blinked as she woke slowly she was expecting pain but felt nothing, not even a lingering headache. Someone had to have healed her but who? She looked around the tent Scabior was at a table looking over papers he glanced up, must have felt her stare.

"'ello Beautiful." Scabior said with a smirk Blaise scowled looking away from him. "T'ats a 'ell of a way to t'ank the person w'o 'ealed you up."

"You're the one that hurt me!" Blaise snapped glaring at him. "Did you become bi-polar since school or something you don't hit someone then heal them and expect them to be bloody thankful to you!" Scabior stood quickly enough to knock the chair he was sitting in over he stalked over to Blaise slowly deliberately didn't take a genius to figure out he was pissed. Blaise honestly couldn't bring herself to care if he was pissed or not she was pissed too.

"You just enjoy digging yerself deeper don't you? The Dark Lord is already goin' to tear you apart you've been kilin' 'is men and 'es none to happy about it. Been very very naughty you Little Basterds." Scabior said with a smirk her caught Blaise's leg as she attempted to kick him twisting her foot to the side. Blaise gasped eyes closing in pain as she whimpered, any attempts to pull her leg back brought more pain to herself. "It'd be so easy to just keep twisting yer pretty little ankle won't be getting very far with that bum leg even if you did manage to get free some how."

"Get pissed slit your wrists and go jump off a bridge you fuckin' git!" Blaise snarled through gritted teeth she was unable to hold back the scream as Scabior snapped her ankle. Blaise gasped a choked sob escaping her lips, Scabior dropped her leg back onto the bed, Blaise cried out just barley keeping herself from sobbing. She refused to give him that satisfaction refused to let him see her cry. Scabior walked back to table righting the chair like nothing had even happened, Blaise gritted her teeth taking a deep breath trying to focus on anything except the pain anything to make herself forget. She focused on Duke she knew him the best after all they'd been partners since they'd entered Auror training fresh out of school. The other girls had gone on about how lucky she was because he was so handsome and nice and generally looked out from all of them making sure that everyone had what it took to pass. And when they were in the field good Lord the boy never left a person behind even it they were already dead he'd get they're body so the family and friends would have something to bury.

"S'oulda stayed out of it." Scabior muttered Blaise didn't reply instead going back to her daydreams sending her mind far away, away from the pain and the inevitable, she was going to die whether at Scabior's hands or Voldemort's remained to be seen.


"Where's Blaise?" Callie asked looking at Duke, her eyes were wide with fear he knew if the girl ever got captured she wouldn't say a word but her eyes would give her away give them away.

"I don't know someone didn't follow the plan." Duke growled glaring at Madtson the brat hadn't followed the plan had appeared early and in the ensuing chaos Duke had lost sight of Blaise.

"You can't blame this on me! If she managed to get lost in the woods or captured that not my fault bitch should have paid more attention in Auror training." Madtson snapped Duke jumped to his feet grabbing Madtson by his collar slamming him against a tree.

"I should kill you where you stand you insolent little Prick." Duke growled wand out at Madtson throat. "But I'm better than that Obliviate." Duke erased all of Madtson's memories for the past several months memories of the Basterds. "Shoo boy you're not welcome here. Anyone want to join him?" All shook their heads unwilling to face the Snatchers or Death Eaters all by there lonesome.

"What if she was captured?" Thomas questioned Duke paused watching Madtson stumble away confused.

"She's the best for it, she'll die before she tells them anything and even if they do get it out of here with the Imperius curse we'll be long gone. Come on let's pack up."

"What if she isn't captured though?" Callie asked Duke looked at her.

"She knows how to find us if she is just wandering around she'll find us soon if she isn't captured." Duke said wasn't entirely sure if it was to reassure himself or the kids.
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I'm actually rather satisfied with this...