I'm not okay I promise

Trouble in America

As Callie-Rose walked up to the cafeteria tables and chairs she got such a stair from the rest of the kids. She had transferred from England. She had only been at this school a few days. Callie-Rose Jameson had brown wavy hair, hazel eyes and wasn’t bad looking but she wasn’t really fitting in. She was really emotional but she was lonely. The loner girl. Callie glanced around the cafeteria where to sit. She sighed and sat at the nearest empty table. She sat eating alone. Then someone came up to her.

"Hi. Erm… can I sit with you?" She could tell it was a guy’s voice. She didn’t look up but she said

"Sure." He sat down opposite her. She was shy. He seemed it too. They sat for a moment eating in silence. She hadn’t looked at him yet. She needed to say something to break the silence. She stopped eating and looked timidly up at him. Callie smiled and said

"I’m Callie-Rose. But just call me Callie. Who are you?" After she thought “Danm that sounded rude.” He looked up stunned and said

"Frank. Are you new here?" She nodded. She could tell he had considered that a stupid question so she answered as if it was a normal question.

"Transferred from England as you can tell. Your in my Science and English class right?" Callie asked

"Yeah I think so. I don’t really like science" He said

"Me neither. I like English though" She said

"Me too!" Frank said. Callie smiled. She looked at Frank and wondered where his friends were so she dicided to ask him trying to to sound rude she said

"Erm…if u don’t mind me asking. Where are your friends?"

"Detention. Theres Mikey, Bob, Ray and Gerard. He's my best mate."

Atfter a couple of minutes of small talk between them they had both finished. Callie was going to stand up and say bye when Frank said

"Do you want to go outside for a while?" He asked her. She sat there for a moment and said

"Sure why not." They picked their things up and walked out. Frank seemed a cool guy. She couldn’t think why she hadn’t spoken to him before now.

"So, what music do you like?" Frank asked her

"I like indie/rock stuff you know." She replied. They walked over to a tree and sat in the shade.

"Me too. I’m more into the rock though." She nodded. It was a nice day. The sun was shining and everything seemed okay. She looked over to the quads and there was a girl stood there. She had blonde, glossy, straight hair.

"Is that Louisa Roberts?" Callie asked

"Aha. A slut. We all hate her." Frank said. Callie nodded. Louisa walked passed and frowned at her. Callie looked away.

Just then four guys came over to them and started to harass Frank.

"Hey Frankie!! You should have seen Roberts he was so fucking…." The guy stopped looking at Callie. She smiled. The guy had bleach blond hair. Obviously not his natural colour but his roots all black made his hair look really cool. Callie stared up at him. He had the most heart melting green eyes.

"Hi.’ He said ‘Made a new friend Frank?"

"Oh. This is Callie guys." She stood up and smoothed out here jeans. "This is Bob, Ray, Mikey and this rude bastard is Gerard."

"Nice to meet you." Callie said.

"Whoa! Your English!" Mikey said

"Whoa! You’re American!" She mocked. They laughed

"You’re in most of my classes aren’t you? I've seen you" Gerard said smiling at her. Callie blushed.

"I think so. Have you got Geography next?" Callie asked him

"Yeah." Then the bell went. Callie jumped out of her skin. She was still getting used to that bell.

"Wana walk there?" Gerard asked

"Sure." Said Callie

"See you retards later." Gerard said to his four friends and they walked off "So. Erm… do you play any instruments?"

"Yeah I play the guitar and I sing. How about you?" Callie asked him

"Same! We’re in a band you know me and the guys." Gerard said

"Cool! What’s it called?" She asked

"We dunno yet. My brutal romance we’re thinking about" He said as they walked into Geography.