I'm not okay I promise


“One week of grounding finished! Finally!” Callie said to herself.

She grabbed her converse and her bag and ran out the door to meet Gerard and the guys for a band practice. She walked slowly up the road. She couldn’t help think about what Frank did last week. As she promised she hadn’t told Gerard. He would get really angry. She would try her hardest to keep her mouth shut.

“Hey Callie!” Gerard said. He hugged her

“Hiya guys.” They all nodded. Callie looked at Frank she felt uncomfortable

“So I wrote a new song guys!” they all looked at him “Its called Cancer” Collie’s heart pinged. He gave them a photocopy of the lyrics and the cords and notes. “Frank wana play the chords? Callie, listen you’ll sing this with me” She nodded. He started to play….

“Turn away, if you could get me a drink of water coos my lips are chapped and faded. Call my aunt Marie. Help her gather all my things and burry me in all my favourite colours, my sisters and my brothers still.”

Callie's eyes filled with tears

“I will not kiss you… cos the hardest part of this is leaving you”

A tear trickled down Callie's face but she wiped it away.

”Now turn away, “cause I'm awful just to see “cause all my hair’s abandoned all my body, oh, my agony, know that I will never marry, baby, I’m just soggy from the chemo but counting down the days to go it just ain’t living And I just hope you know that if you say goodbye today I’d ask you to be true “cause the hardest part of this is leaving you “cause the hardest part of this is leaving you” the song finished.

She tried to hide the fact that she was upset.

“What do you think?” He looked directly at her. Callie was going to say something but she burst into tears and ran out.

“What did you do?” Frank asked. Gerard looked at him and ran after Callie. He found her sat on a wall a couple of houses along. Crying.

“Callie? What’s wrong? Was my song that bad?” He asked

“No. You’re song was beautiful.” She said talking through her tears

“Then what’s wrong?” He asked

“My dad died of Cancer.” She said, “We didn’t know he had it! He went to the hospital for a check up and they said he had … the worst type … of cancer … they’d seen … in years.” Callie sobbed, “He died three days after.” Gerard sat next to her and gave her a hug.

“I’m sorry.” He said, “I didn’t know.” He wiped her tears away. “We don’t have to do that song.” She looked up at him.

“Can I show you something?” He nodded. Callie searched in her bag and pulled out an old looking notebook.

“What’s this?” Gerard asked. He opened it. There was three quarters of the book filled with songs. He was shocked. He looked at her

“It was my dads and mine. That’s how I got into singing and playing. He taught me all I know. We wrote songs. He said one day we would record them and sell it.” Callie said “But that never happened.”

“These songs are really good Callie.” Gerard said. She smiled. He handed her the book and kissed her on the four head. “Come on. We’ll practice some other songs.”