I'm not okay I promise

'It'll be okay Cal'

Callie was so glad she was back together with Gerard. Frank still liked her but he knew he how Callie felt and after what happened (which was mainly his fault) he didn't want to hurt her again. Callie hadn’t been this happy since her dad was alive. The band was going well. School wasn’t bad. She seemed to finally be having a normal teenage life. She liked it like this.
‘Callie!’ Mikey said looking really excited running up to her in the schoolyard.
‘What?’ She said turning around
‘Guess what’ Mikey said
‘Fucking hell Mikey what is it?’ Callie said hitting him on the arm
‘We have the audition!’ He said
‘Fucking hell fire! Really??’ She said happily!
‘Yeah!’ She hugged Mikey and he picked her up
‘Mike! This is awesome. Do everyone else know?’ She asked
‘Bob and Frank do because they were in my Maths class just then.’
‘Let me tell Ray and Gerard!’ She said happily. He nodded. She had a class with them both. It was History. She walked quickly to the history room to find Gerard and Ray stood outside it.

Callie was going to trick them. She giggled to herself thinking of what she was going to say.
‘Guys.’ She said ‘You know that audition we signed up to do?’
‘Yeah?’ They said together
‘Well Mikey just told me. They phoned him up and said they’d got a better band to play.’ She put her hands in her pockets. They looked really bummed
‘I can’t believe it! We were really good!’ Gerard said
‘Yeah. You know what I can’t believe?’ She said
‘What?’ Ray said
‘That you fell for my good acting skills!’ Callie said ‘WE’RE IN!’ She said. They guys yelled. Gerard picked her up and hugged her.
‘REALLY!?’ He said. They were making a loud racket.
‘Yeah!’ Callie smiled so broadly her cheeks hurt.
‘Wow! Its next week right?’ Ray said. Callie nodded. Gerard put her down.
Then, their teacher Mr Franklin came out. They all looked at each other.
‘Who was making that … horrendous … racket?’ He yelled. They didn’t say anything.
‘It was them Mr Franklin! Gerard, Ray and Celli.’ Louisa said. (She was a real teachers pet)
‘It’s Callie!’ Callie said to her. Then she realised she was going to get told off.
‘Well, Mr Way, Mr Toro and Miss…
‘Jameson.’ Louisa said
‘Yes yes Miss Jameson. You three have a detention with me tomorrow. I hope you enjoy it.’ He said sarcastically ‘Come in class.’ As they walked in they gave Louisa a death stare. The lesson passed slowly. Mr Franklin separated the three of them. They were annoyed about that. The bell went at the end of the period.
‘Remember you three. Tomorrow. Detention!’ He said looking down at them over his glasses. Callie nodded. They walked out complaining,
‘Fucking hell! We were only making a bit of noise because of the audition!’ Gerard said
‘No. We were making lots of noise. But he had no right to give us detention’ Callie said. Gerard grumbled all the way to the cafeteria. Callie was getting sick of them so she put her hand over his mouth to stop him talking.
‘Yeah then he said you three have a detention wit-‘ Callie laughed. Everyone else did too. When he stopped she turned it into a hug.
‘So Mike when is the audition again?’ Gerard asked.
‘Months time on Saturday’ He said. They all looked really happy.

Callie was sat in English at the end of the day. She and Frank were talking. Her English teacher, Miss Howard, was really relaxed she let them talk all the time. While she was writing a new song in her notebook and she was talking she felt her mobile vibrate in her pocket.
‘Ah!’ She said
‘What?’ Frank asked. She took out her phone and looked at it from under the table. Callie. It said. You need to get home quick, something has happened leave school ASAP!
‘Oh god.’ Callie said
‘What!?’ Frank asked
‘My sister has texted me. It said you need to get home quick, something has happened leave school ASAP!’ Callie looked really worried ‘I think this has something to do with my mum.’ She said to Frank. The bell went. She met Gerard outside.
‘Callie come-
‘Gerard I have to go! I think there’s something wrong with my mother.’ She kissed him and tried to put her notebook in her bag but she didn’t realise she didn’t manage it. She ran home. Gerard noticed the book and picked it up. He was reading all the songs she had written. Callie panted as she sprinted home. Callie burst through the door.
‘Sam?’ She yelled ‘Mum??’ Callie stood in the kitchen getting no reply.
‘Callie help!’ Sam said ‘In the living room!’ She yelled. Callie shoved her bag down and ran into the room. Sam was sat on the floor crying. Her mother was lying unconscious on the floor. Seven tablet boxes scattered over the floor. A few tablets in her mother’s hand.
‘Upstairs!’ Callie yelled to Sam
‘But Callie-
‘NOW!’ She yelled. Sam did as she was told she ran upstairs. Callie’s head was spinning. She didn’t know what to do. She looked at her mother on the floor. She ran to the phone and called 911. Gerard had gotten home, having read most of Callie’s songs. Gerard had an idea. He walked over to the computer and typed all her songs on there. Just then, Gerard’s mobile rung, it was Callie.

‘Hey Cal.’ He said. She was breathing heavily
‘Gerard help, please can your mum take me to the hospital?’ His heart skipped a beat.
‘Yeah! We’ll be there soon.’
‘Thank you so much, Hurry!’ Callie hung up. Gerard stood there, his heart was beating fast. He ran downstairs.
‘Mum! Please can you take Callie to the hospital?’ He asked she stood up.
‘Of course, what’s happened?’ She asked
‘I have no idea. I think it’s to do with her mother. Quickly.’ Gerard hurried. Callie stood on the front lawn with her sister.
‘Cal. is mum going to be okay?’ Sam asked as their mum was being put in the ambulance. Callie stalled. Her mother had taken an over dose. “Had she tried to commit suicide?” Callie thought, “Something must have happened to make her to do something this serious”
‘She’s going to be fine’ Callie lied. She didn’t know. She was holding back tears. They couldn’t go in the ambulance with her. ‘Go and get a jumper Sam. It’ll be cold.’ Callie said to her. Usually her sister would have argued but this time she didn’t. She went inside. As the ambulance drove off Callie doubted her mother would live. Gerard and his mother pulled up. He got out. She ran over to him and hugged him.
‘Callie? What’s happened?’ Gerard asked
‘I think my mum has taken an overdose! I think she’s tried to commit suicide!’ Callie said now crying.
‘It’ll be okay Cal.’ He said ‘Come on we have to go!’ She got Sam and they got in the car.