I'm not okay I promise

She isn’t coming back

The atmosphere in the hospital was tense. Callie walked up and down constantly asking how her mother was. Gerard stayed with her. Callie thought it would be for the best if Sam went to Gerard’s house with his mum.

“Callie sit down please.” Gerard said. Callie passed up and down ignoring Gerard. “How could she do this?” Callie panicked “She loves Sam and me. Why has she tried to kill herself” Gerard came and hugged her.

“Nothing was wrong!” Callie cried, “Everything was fine! Our lives were fine! What happened?” Callie asked. Gerard sighed. He hugged her tightly. Then, the doctor came out.

“Miss Jameson?” He let go of her

“Yes?” Callie asked

“Your mother.” He said, “She has taken far to many pills. She took round about one hundred and thirty” Callie looked stunned

“Will she be ok?” Callie asked

“We don’t know for sure. There’s a seventy thirty chance-

“The thirty being…” Gerard asked

“… That Mrs Jameson will die.” He walked away. Callie looked at Gerard she burst into tears.

“She can’t go she can’t!!” Callie yelled, “I need her!” Gerard was really sad.

He didn’t know what to say to her. He had both his parents. Callie had been through so much, her dad dieing, moving to America then watching her mother struggling to survive. He sat down with her.

“I need to stay here over night. You can go home if you want” Callie said

“No, you need help. I’ll stay with you.” He kissed her forehead.

It began to get dark. The sky was a dusky purple. Gerard was starting to get tired. Callie looked so tired. She needed sleep. They were sat in the waiting room in silence. Listening. Screams and beeps were going off. Callie looked at Gerard and rested her head on his lap.

“It’ll be okay Callie. I’m promise,” Gerard whispered to her.

Callie was so tired her eyes were drooping.

“Sleep, sleep little darling I swear I’m not trying to wear you out I’m not trying to drag you down. When you fall asleep tonight they’ll be waiting for you when you try and close your eyes they’ll try not to hate you. Sleep sleep the night away act like nothing’s wrong you know we’re going down. You are such a light sleeper count to ten and you’re already out we fall, we’re in deeper the night’s gone as we open up our eyes…. “ Gerard sung to her.

She drifted into a dream.

- Callie was in a field; Gerard, Sam, her mother, and her father were there. She smiled. She walked up to her father and gave him a hug. “I thought you’d left me” Callie said, “I’d never leave you Callie.” He said. A tear trickled down her face. She wiped it away. Looked at Gerard. She smiled. Callie kissed him, turned to her father for a look of approval. He smiled. Mikey, Bob, Ray and Frank showed up. “You made it.” Callie said. Frank walked up to her and hugged her “we love you Callie. All of us.” She backed up. They were all stood together. The people she loved the most. The sky reddened. Gunshots sounded out. She turned around hooded figures walked her way “Its time to go” they said. She turned around to look at everyone. Her father and mother lay on the ground as if been shot by the guns. “Leave us alone!” Callie yelled at them. Frank, Bob, Ray, Sam, Mikey and Gerard walked slowly towards the hooded men. “Stop! Stop doesn’t leave me!” Callie screamed at them. They walked on as if they hadn’t heard her. “Please!” she cried. They got to the figures. “I love you! Don’t go.” Callie didn’t move, as she was scared. They all turned around. Black rings appeared under their eyes. With the hooded figures they walked towards her…. “We don’t love you Callie-Rose. Never have done. Callie. Callie. Callie” they said. She backed up. She didn’t want to go. She wanted to stay “Callie. Callie…-

“Callie!!” Gerard said. Callie awoke. She was sweaty. She looked at him. Noticing no black under his eyes.

“Oh thank god!” She said hugging him. The dream turned into a nightmare. “My mum! What’s happened?" She asked standing up.

“Nothing.” He said. They waited longer, Gerard fast asleep next to Callie. She was afraid to sleep in case she had another nightmare. Callie checked her watch.

“Two am,” She said to herself. There was no one but them in the room.

“Callie-Rose Jameson?” Said a nurse

“Yes!” She said sitting up “Gerard get up.” He didn’t wake up “Fucking hell Gerard wake up!” She said. He snorted and woke.

“Wazzapenin?” He asked

“Is she ok?” Callie asked

“She’s experiencing skip beats.” She said

“That’s bad isn’t it?” Callie said

“I’m afraid it is.” The nurse said

“Please can I see her?” Callie asked. The nurse nodded and walked to her room. “I want to go alone” she said to Gerard he nodded.

Callie walked into the room. Her mother had tubes sticking out from her. She sat next to her. Callie started to cry. She took her hand.

“Mum pleases. Pull through. I … can’t face seeing someone else I love die… I love you mum… please… don’t go… I need you.” Callie said.

Gerard looked at her from outside. She was sobbing at her bed. His heart ached. Callie looked up at her mum. “Come on mum. Please… I love you!” Callie said.

Then, the heart monitor went off; a straight continuous beep. “No!” Callie yelled as doctors and nurses ran in. “NO! MUM!” She screamed. They said she had to go. They pushed her out.

Gerard grabbed her to stop her walking in “Nooo! Mum please! I love you! I LOVE YOU!” Gerard was struggling to hold her. Callie yelled as she saw her mother having the (things that are put on someone’s heart) being used on her mother “MUM PLEASE DON”T GO!” She cried. The doctors stopped. Sighed, and turned the machine off. A doctor came out
“Miss Jameson… I’m so sorry but … your mother has passed away” He looked deadly serious. Callie broke down crying.

“No! NOOOO” Callie yelled. Gerard hugged her. “She isn’t… she can’t. She’s dead!” Callie cried her heart out.

Gerard took her to a seat. She sobbed into his jacket. The heartache Callie was feeling was immense. She had watched her mother die. Her last parent and she isn’t coming back.