I'm not okay I promise


Three months had passed. Callie was trying to get over her mothers death. Making it through with her friends. They hadn”t heard anything about the audition for the record deal. They were having major doubts.

“Nope, Nope, Nope!!” Mikey said at the band practice “Why the fuck did we try out?! We got to the second round out of three.” Mikey moaned

“Shut the fuck up Mikey.” Callie said. She was tuning her guitar. Frank was walking around with his video camera.

“And Miss Jameson!!” He made fake crowd roaring. “She is excitingly tuning her guitar!”

Callie looked at the camera.

“Frank? What the fucking hell are you doing?” Callie asked irritably

“Doing a video for our documentary we”re gunna have when we become famous!!” Frank said turning the camera upside down. Callie smacked the camera

“We haven”t got a call yet.” Callie continued to tune her guitar. “FUCK!” She yelled “My guitar has died!” She put it at the side leaned up against the wall.

“Give it here I”ll do it!” Ray said. Ray started to tune it.

“My god, where the bleeding hell is Gerard?” Frank said. Turning his camera to himself and making stupid faces. Callie giggled and said

“No idea” they all looked at Callie.

“What? You want me to call him?” They all nodded. She flipped out her phone and stood up.
The phone rang, and rang, and rang, until he finally answered.

“Whatcha want mother fucker?”

“Gerard!! Where are you? We”re all waiting at Frank”s house!” Callie said

“Crap! I forgot. I”m on my way” He said and hung up. Callie looked at her mobile

“Bye then!” She said “He”s coming.”

“Here” Ray passed her guitar and she begun playing. Callie started humming a song she had written. They guys looked at her.

“Here”s Callie-Rose creating magic in the form of music!” Frank said

“Cal that”s good, what is it?” Ray asked her.

“Oh it”s called “Demolition Lovers”“ She carried on playing it. She looked down at the frets. She could see out of the top of her eye that Frank was filming her and she could tell Ray was listening to her play.

Callie quickly put down her guitar and ran at Frank. She jumped on his back.

“Fucking -” Frank said

“Stop-filming-us!” Callie yelled at him smacking him on the head.

“Ouch!!” Frank yelled. He refused and continued to film he turned the camera to Callie on his back.

“Callie-Rose-At-her-meanest-OUCH!” she was smacking him hard. “Ok! Ok I”ll stop.” Frank put it down on the table.

Callie didn”t get off. She started to pretend to be a mad fan

“Frank! Frankie Iero!! I LOVE YOU!! You”re my favourite out of My Chem.!” Ray, Bob and Mikey laughed. “I don”t like that Callie girl she”s a bitch!” She started to kiss him on the cheek.

“MRAHHH! Get off of me!” He yelled at her.

“I love you Frankie!!” She mocked and jumped down. She glared at him.

“I never want girl fans over me like that!” He said

“You say that now dude, but when it”s girls that aren”t Callie you”ll be loving it!” Mikey said. Frank shrugged

“What are you trying to say Mikey Way?” Callie said.

“Well “cause its you, he won”t like it “cause you”re our mate.” Mikey said sitting down “well except for Gerard, you two are a couple.”

“Yeah a couple of-” Frank started “MRAH!” He yelled again as Gerard came up behind him slapping his hand over his mouth and dragging him down. Gerard was bigger than Frank so he had the advantage.

“Okay guys break it up.” Callie said pulling them apart as they wrestled on the floor. “WHOA!” Callie yelled as the guys grabbed both her legs and she went hurdling down.

“Fucking hell guys!” She yelled smacking someone she didn”t know whom. She pulled herself up, followed by Frank, Gerard sat on the floor laughing.

“Wasn”t that fun?” He said

“Yes…” Callie said “Come on we have to practice.” He got up.

“Anyone got any new riffs?” Gerard asked

“Callie?” Ray asked “What about your song? That was really good from what i heard” Callie looked at the others.

“Well, i dunno it isn”t really finished yet.” She said trying to get out of playing it.

“Come on Cal!” Frank said. She sighed, walked over to her guitar and started to play.

“There are some lyrics, but they aren”t very good” Callie said

“For fucks sake Callie!!” Gerard said “You aren”t gunna be very good famous if you wont show us what you have written! You”re an amazing writer!” He said

“This wasn”t written for the band that”s why, it was just for me, like to help.” Callie said stopping playing. They all looked at her. She continued.

“Hand in mine into your icy blues, and then I say to you, we can take to the highway with this trunk of ammunition too, I”ll spend my days with you in a hail off bullets, I”m trying, I”m trying, I”m trying to let you know how much you mean to me, I”m trying, I”m trying....”

Callie sung, she played, but those are all the lyrics she had. She stopped. “That”s it”

“Wow!” Mikey said “that”s really good Cal” they were all looking at her.

“Jesus! Stop looking at me!” Callie yelled at them

“Sorry.” Gerard said “Can we use that for the band? But you might need to fit some parts for me, or we could sing it together” She smiled. They liked it. She didn”t think that they would like her song writing! She was really pleased

"Should I show them the rest of my songs?" Callie thought, "I mean this isn”t my best it”s just my recent"

“Yeah we can use it.” She pondered some more about whether they should hear her songs. They had begun to chat about the song.

Ray and Frank were talking about the guitar parts Mikey was playing his bass to it, Bob drummed away and Gerard was singing the lyrics in a lower pitch.

She smiled to think of how it would sound with all the parts put together. She looked at her bag. "Yeah! I think they”ll like them"

“Guys.” She said “Guys!” She repeated louder “GUYS!” Callie yelled. They all stopped what they were doing and looked at her. Callie walked over to her bag and took out her notebook. “Do you like this song?” She asked.

“Yeah” They all said together.

“Why?” Frank asked. She looked at Gerard; she knew he knew what she was doing.

“I have over twenty five songs in this book” Callie said they all looked at her in shock (except for Gerard of course because he had read most of them) “Do you want to use any?”