I'm not okay I promise

Stupid Bitch

“Shhhh! Class! Be quiet!” Said Mrs Ravenscroft on Monday morning to her form. “Ok so she suffered a great loss in her family over the past few months, her mother passed away. So be nice to her” Callie stood outside of her form room.

"Arrrggg. Please Miss! I just want to get this over with! They”ll all be doing that nicey nicey. I hate that" Callie thought, "FUCKING HELL LET ME INNN!" Callie was getting irritable.

“Ok Callie. Come in” Mrs Ravenscroft said. Callie walked in. She awkwardly smiled. They all just stared at her.

She quickly looked over at Gerard. He smiled and pointed to the seat next to him for her to go and sit on (even though before her mum died she had sat there.) “If you want to go and sit next to Mr Way.” Callie knew she meant Gerard not Mikey but she said anyway “Mr Gerard Way” Callie nodded thinking

"Jesus Christ I know!" She walked over. She could feel everyone”s eyes on her. Frank said

“What have we got after form?” Callie smiled and glad he broke the ice. Everyone started chatting.

“Thanks Frankie” She said. “Mikey?” He looked over at her “Got a call yet?” He shook his head

“We”re having major doubts. I don”t think we”ve got it.” Just then Louisa and her “posy” walked up to her.

“Aww. Not got a call from the man who is getting the record deal?” She said

“Piss off Louisa” Gerard said “It”s not like you auditioned!”

“Yeah and how did you find out we auditioned?” Mikey asked

“I have my sources. And as a matter of fact....” She said looking smug “ I did audition. With my band” they all looked really shocked

“Your band?!” Callie said looking stunned “You can”t possibly make decent music!”

“Well, my band "Tainted ruby" got a call and are in the finals. With two other bands. And know for a matter of fact that one of those bands isn”t My Chemical Romance.” They walked off laughing. Callie looked really angry.

“You”re parents probably would have wanted you to get in so badly. That why your mother killed herself? “Cause she didn”t want to wait to see you fail?” Callie's eyebrows lowerd. She had pure anger in her eyes. Callie stood up and rushed at her.

“NO!” Gerard said he grabbed her around the waist to stop her killing Louisa.

“That BITCH! COME BACK HERE!” Callie yelled. (Good job Mrs Ravenscroft had left the room)

“Calm down Callie! Don”t let her get to you” Gerard said. Callie sighed and sat down, trying to calm herself.

“Tainted Ruby!!??” Frank said as the bell went for their next lesson. “How the fuck did a band called "Tainted ruby" get in? And how come the other bands haven”t been notified?” Frank complained

“Fucking Hell Frank! She”s in! Now fucking drop it.” Callie said moodily and walked off.