I'm not okay I promise

Sam's Jelousy

Three more weeks went by and no call. They gave up all hope.

“Ah oh well.” Bob said “At least we tried” they all sighed.

“What was with you the other day Cal?” Frank asked her

“Sorry. I wasn”t myself.” She said to him. Callie hadn”t stopped thinking about what Louisa had said. She was right. Callie just didn”t want to admit it. She needed a hug. She was in pain inside. "Where is Gerard?" She thought, "he said he”d only be a minute" Frank and Callie were waiting outside Gerard”s house. Sam came out.

“Callie. Gerard is just talking to Gemma” (Gerard”s mother) Callie nodded “Gemma is telling him off for some reason.”

“Hi Frankie” Sam said sweetly

“Hey Sam.” He said back to her. Callie rolled her eyes

“I thought you were going out with Gerard. Why are you stood here with Frankie?” She asked sounding quite jealous.

“If you haven”t noticed but Frank is my friend, and yes! I”m still going out with Gee” Callie said sounding very that”s-the-end-of-that “Now, don”t you have places to be?” Callie asked. Sam snorted and walked off.

“My sister fancies you! That”s so weird.” She said. Frank had a unusual look.

“But why shouldn”t she fancy you? She woves you Fwankie” Callie mocked he laughed. Just then, Gerard came out.

“Finally you girl” Frank said to him.

“Oh ha ha.” Gerard said. Callie ran up to him and threw her arms around his neck.

“Whoa! What”s with the love all over a sudden?” He said putting his arms around her.

“All over a sudden?” Callie asked “I love you all the time, I just needed a hug.” Callie said
“You could have hugged me” Frank said. Callie looked at him and laughed.

“Mikey coming?” But before Gerard could answer Mikey walked out looking extremely happy. “Hey Mike” Frank said

“Guys!!” Mikey yelled

“What?” They yelled back

“WE”RE IN!” For a second they just looked at him.

“AHHH! You”re fucking kidding me!” Callie screamed. She hugged Frank who was yelling. For anyone passing by the scene would have looked bizarre. Four teenagers jumping up and down yelling.

“When is the next audition?” Gerard asked

“Saturday” Mikey said. They continued to yell. Then they stopped and said

“SATURDAY!” They hadn”t practiced and it was Tuesday. Gerard grabbed Mikey”s mobile and rang Bob and Ray and arranged an emergency practice. They all sat in Gerard”s garage.

“Ok so as you know we have got in to the last audition” Gerard said pacing up and down like a parole officer “And, we can”t play the same songs. Sooooo, we need a new song to sing. Or an old one that that”s good.” They all looked around at each other. “Any ideas?” He asked them all.

“How about the song Callie wrote and another” Frank suggested

“Cal? He asked

“Sure. I”ve nearly finished the lyrics and I”ll write out the main chords.” She said “Oh and what if we do I”m not okay?” She suggested

“Yeah. That was the first song I taught you wasn”t it!” Gerard said. Callie nodded.

“It”s settled then. I”m not okay and Demolition Lovers.” Ray said.

“Lets get practicing then!” Gerard said. They all picked up their instruments. And Bob counting in.

“1,2,1,2,3,4” The music started. They practiced the song so many times.

On the final try they got it perfect.

“HA!” Frank said when it had finished “Louisa Jenkins! Put that in your fucking pipe and smoke it!” They all cheered.

“Ok I”m tired now so...” Callie said they all put their instruments down.

“Wana watch a movie?” Gerard asked the guys.

“Yeah” They all said

“But this time we will actually come. We all remember what happened last time you two watched a film by yourselves” Frank said. Gerard and Callie looked at each other and smirked.

“What film?” Mikey asked. The guys all loved horror films

“Horror!” they all said

“Nooo!” Callie said. She didn”t mind them it was just that she hated being scared and of blood. They looked at her “Fine.” She said in the end. Gerard and Frank went to pick out a film. Callie and Mikey stayed at the house.


“What film shall we get?” Frank asked Gerard

“Erm....” they looked around the horror section. “What about this one?” He picked up a film “Blood bash” Frank shook his head

“I”ve seen it.” He said

“How about that one?” Gerard pointed behind Frank. He turned around

“Which? Final Destination four?” Frank asked

“Yeah.” He said. Frank picked it up and read the blurb. “It looks really good” Frank said

“We”ll get that then” Gerard said, they walked up to the counter. “This please”


Callie and Mikey were watching MTV.

“We”ll be on this soon.” Mikey said as they watched a random band play.

“Sure we will Mike” Callie said looking at him. “They”re really good” Callie said “they look famous too. Who are they?” She asked

“Erm...” Mikey said “No clue.” They carried on looking at the screen.

“Shredded dreams are made of lies, painted lips and blackened eyes, taking water from the bay, songs that make you cry-

“Hey that”s my old band!” Frank said walking in with Gerard.

“Huh?” Callie said

“Well when I was younger I was in a band called "Pency Prep"“ Frank said “When I was in grade school I was in that band. You know when you go to grade school you follow on and go to like the upper school” Callie nodded

“Well I fought with my old friends and I hated it there. I got kicked out of the school.” Callie looked shocked "how come I didn”t know this before!" Callie thought “But I”d known Mike and Gee forever. They were like family friends. So I went to their grade school, middle school and now high school.” Frank finished.

“Wow. How come you never told me this?!” Callie said

“It never came up” Frank said

“So if you hadn”t moved schools you could have been famous!” Callie said

“Ah well, I”d rather be famous with you guys” He said they smiled.

“What film did you get?” Mikey asked them

“Final Destination four” Gerard said putting it in the DVD player.

“Grrr! Gerard!” Callie said he sat next to her. He smiled and put his arm around her. She placed her head on his shoulder and started watching the film.

“What?” She looked at him. He smiled and put his arm around her. She placed her head on his shoulder.


“Jennifer is the next to be killed! We need to find her and warn her!” Said the women on they looked at the TV someone got killed by a TV blowing up. Callie screamed.

“Cal!” Frank said “Chill” He looked back at the TV screen.

“I”ll be right back.” She walked out and went to Gerard”s room.

“Fucking hell I hate scary movies!” She said to herself, Callie sat on Gerard”s bed. She picked up her notebook and thought she would finish her lyrics.

She had a verse to right. She thought hard. And as we”re falling down, and in this pool of blood and as we”re touching hands, and as we”re falling down and in this pool of blood, and as we”re falling down, I”ll see your eyes, and in this pool of blood I’ll meet your eyes, I mean this forever. Callie wrote.

“Yes!” She smiled “That’s it!” She had nailed it. She reread it put it on the desk and went downstairs. She walked gently down the stairs. When she walked into the room the guys went silent.

“What?” She asked “Were you talking about me?” She asked kiddingly the guys laughed awkwardly. The film was on the credits.

“Where did you go?” Frank asked her

“Why?” Callie asked him. They were all looking at her.

“W-were you in the bathroom?” Mikey asked her

“What! Why the fuck are you asking me?” Callie said getting paranoid

“What we are trying to ask is-” Frank said looking at Gerard. There was a pause. They looked around akwardly.

“A-are you, you know, pregnant?” Gerard asked her. They all looked at her.

First of all she didn’t know what to think. "HA! Of course I’m not fucking pregnant!" The guys waited in anticipation to hear what she was going to say. She looked at Mikey, Frank then at Gerard. Then, she burst into laughter. They looked around in confusion

“That’s sooooo fucking funny! Of course I’m not fucking pregnant!” She said through her laughter. They all looked relived.

“Good!” Gerard said, “We haven’t even, you know” everyone was laughing.

“If you must know I went to finish the song!” Callie said. “Who gave you the idea? -” She looked at Frank.

“You thought that was why you thought I was acting weird wasn’t it” She said to him. He nodded guiltily. She walked over to him and sat on him. They started laughing. “I’d tell you if I was” She smiled and kissed him on the cheek. Then Sam walked in.

“Callie!” Sam said

“What?” She said still sitting on Frank’s lap.

“Why are you always all over Frank?” She asked. Callie laughed

“All over him?” Callie said in a kind of UN believing voice. “I was stood outside with him and I’m kissing him because I was forgiving him” Callie said standing up and sitting next to Gerard.

“That’s where you belong!” Sam said

“Where I belong?” Callie said “What the hell is up with you?” Callie said. Sam gave her an angry look and stomped off upstairs.

“My god. She is really jealous!” Callie said

“Jealous? Of what?” Gerard asked

“She fancies Frankie” Callie said like it was nothing.

“Oh” Gerard replied

“I’ll talk to her when she has calmed down.” Callie said

“You had better go Frank. The film has finished anyway.” Gerard said. Frank stood up and said

“Ok, I’ll see you guys tomorrow” and walked out. Mikey, Gerard and Callie looked at each other.