I'm not okay I promise

Water pipe

Callie tried to talk to Sam over the next two days. She ignored her. Callie didn’t really understand why. She was going out with Gerard.

“Sam!” Callie said banging on the spare room door (which was her room now) “Let me in! We need to talk”

“I don’t want to talk to you!” Sam yelled at her.

“If you wont let me in I’ll badge in!” Callie said getting ready to knock the door down.

“You wouldn’t dare” Sam said

“One. Two...” Callie said Sam opened the door.

“So, tell me. Why are you so mad at me?” Callie asked

“I’m not! I’m twelve. Hello! Hormones” She said

“Fuck you! I’m fifteen I should have more hormones than you! You’re not even a teenager!” Callie said sitting on Sam’s bed.

“Pffft!” Sam said “Yeah that’s for sure. Carrying on two guys” Sam said “I’m not pretty like you. Boys don’t like me like they like you” Sam confessed

“You’re fucking twelve! Boys are so shallow at twelve. You don’t find guys like Gerard in Middle School! ... I think,” She said because she had only come to America in high school.

“Ha. You are so popular” Sam said

“No I’m not” Callie said “I have five great friends. One who happens to be my boyfriend”

“And another who you also fancy” she said

“What the fucking hell are you talking about?” Callie asked getting frustrated

“You’re going out with Gerard but you fancy Frank” Sam explained

“No I don’t!” Callie said “Fuck no! I love Gee” Callie was telling the truth “But you fancy Frank don’t you”

“W-what are y-you going on about? Me f-fancy Frank!?” She sad nervously.

“You know I love Gerard. And you get moody when you see me with him” Callie said. Sam looked like she had been found out. She was going to contradict her but she sighed and said

“Ok, it’s true” Callie smiled and said


“Piss off” Sam said “He wont fancy me”

“He can’t fancy you.” She said Sam looked confused “If you haven’t noticed Frankie is three years nearly four older than you. It’ll kind of look pedophilic if he goes out with you” Callie said “And...”

"Oh god, don’t tell her about when Frank kissed you" Callie thought, "She didn’t find out. I don’t want her to find out."

“Yeah?” Sam asked

“Never mind,” She said quickly “Just so you know, and so we talk again, I don’t fancy Frankie” Callie smiled and hugged her sister.

She started to walk out just as she was at the door she turned around and said “Oh don’t fucking swear in front of me again” She closed the door and stood outside laughing.


“Sorry we said you had to leave the other night Frankie” Gerard said

Gerard and Frank were sat on swings in the park. Their school had, had a water pipe burst and the whole second floor was flooded so they had the day off.

“Ah it’s okay. Callie's sister was really mad at her.” Frank said “Why isn’t she here?”

“She wanted to straighten things out things with her sister” Gerard said “we don’t have to be with her twenty four seven you know” Gerard said “I spend loads of time with her. We’re having like a day off,” Frank laughed.

“We’re you glad about her not being pregnant?” Frank asked

“Hell yeah!” Gerard said “Do you still fancy her?” He asked

“I can’t tell you that!” Frank said. Gerard looked at him “Erm... I don’t know. I think that I think of her as a sister maybe” Gerard nodded, jumped off the swing and grabbed the football.

Frank swung high jumped off and tried to tackle him.


“You’re running after something that you’ll never kill, what are you waiting for? Fire and kill”

Callie sung and wrote. She reread it. “Arrrggg!” She yelled she scratched it out chucked her notebook aside and sat on the sofa alone. "I have writers block!" Callie was getting frustrated "This is the fourth song chorus she had written that was a bust"

“Hey” Mikey said he sat down next to her “dude”

“Arrrggg!” Callie said she picked up a pillow and screamed into it

“Whoa!!” Mikey said. He picked up Callie’s notebook and tried to read all the chorus beginnings she had written. “The first bit is good the "you’re running after something that you’ll never kill" bit. But the rest is shit” Mikey commented.

She looked at him, then started whacking him with the pillow. “Ouch! What’s that for?”

“I know it’s shit why do you think I scribbled it out!” Callie said in a kind off matter-off-fatly manor.

“Ooo” Mikey said “Well let me help.” He said.

She looked at him like saying how-are-you-going-to-help way.

“What if it was"you’re running after something that you’ll never kill...."“ He thought “"If this is what you want-”

“Then fire at will” Callie sung (and finished off) “Yes!” She said “that’s it Mike!”

She hugged him “Thanks!” She was happy she had finished the chorus. She wrote the last word and smiled.

“Are you less stressed now?” Mikey asked. Callie nodded. “Gurd!” Mikey said still looking relaxed.

“I’m board” Callie said after a couple of minutes “Do you wana go and meet Frankie and Gerard?” Callie asked

“Yeah” he said they stood up. “Should we phone them?” He asked

Erm... nah it’ll be a surprise” Mikey had a evil grin on his face like he was planning something. Callie laughed and walked out of the house.


Gerard made fake crowd roaring

“He shoots... AND HE SCORES!!” More fake cheering.

“Oh very good” Frank said getting up off of the floor after trying to save the goal.

“I know, I know I’m such a good football player,” Gerard said sitting back on the swing.

“No, I’m just a shitty goal keeper” Frank said sitting on the other swing.

“True that.” They sighed “shall I phone Callie and Mikey see if they wana come or shall we go back?” Gerard asked

“We’ll go back.” Frank said they stood up and started to walk out. They were half way across the field when they heard footsteps.

“Can you hear something?” Frank asked Gerard. They stopped and listened.

“Oomph!” They said as two people rugby (American football) tackled them and sent them crashing to the floor.

“Hey!” Frank said. Gerard was giving Callie a “nuggie.”

“Ah! Gerard STOP!” Callie screamed. They stood up. She hugged him.

“What was that for?” Frank said

“I dunno.” Mikey said “Kicks”