I'm not okay I promise

Battel Of the Bands

Callie awoke with a start Saturday morning

"Oh shit" Callie thought, "We have the audition today!"

Callie lay in her bed for a while. Now and again her stomach would flip.

“Callie!” Gerard said

“Yeah?” She replied.

“We have the audition today! We’d better get up” He said to her. She got to the side of the bed and stood up. "Fuck I’m so nervous" Callie thought while she walked down stairs to breakfast.

Her heart was racing. Mikey was already down there talking to Sam.

“So you have the audition today?” Sam asked him

“Yup. We’re gunna play the song Callie wrote” Mikey said

“Oh, what is it called?” Sam asked

“Demolition Lovers” Mikey replied. Sam nodded. Then, Callie and Gerard walked in.

“Hey dude.” Gerard said to Mikey. He nodded.

“Nervous?” Mikey asked

“I fucking am!” Callie said. They laughed. “What time is Frank, Bob and Ray coming here?” Callie asked

“Well, we have the audition at twelve thirty so I think they’re gunna get here earlier so we can practice so about ten” Gerard said. Callie and Mikey nodded. Sam was sat next to Gerard taking in every word he was saying.

“Don’t you have somewhere to be?” Callie asked her. Sam looked at her watch. It was nine o’clock.

“No. It’s only like nine o’clock Cal” Sam said snootily “I’m sitting with you’re friends. You haven’t even met mine!” Sam said

“Why would I want to hang around with a bunch of twelve year olds? I’m sixteen, seventeen in a month,” Callie said. Sam stood up.

“Okay, I’ll go and meet my TWELVE nearly thirteen year old friends” She said, and walked out. They all looked at her

“I hate it when you guys do that” Callie said

“Huh?” Mikey said

“All look at me like that!”

“I thought you had made up with you’re sister” Gerard said

“I have. This is our normal behavior” Callie said “you two should know you’re brothers”

“We don’t argue that much do we Mike” Gerard said

“No. But I suppose you two do cause you’re girls and she’s like twelve” Mikey said

“Boys fight more” Callie said

“Aha” Mikey and Gerard said together.

Callie went upstairs to get dressed. She looked in the wardrobe.

"I need something nice" She thought "I can’t wait to see Louisa’s face when she sees us!"

Callie picked out some black skinny jeans and a gray rolling stones t-shirt. She brushed through her wavy hair and tied it back. If she were going to be playing she would get hot. She grabbed her converse and slipped them on and walked down the stairs to see the guys waiting in the living room.

“I see I’m the one that takes forever to get dressed!” She said sitting down.

Frank was sat in the chair looking nervous. He was biting his nails. Mikey was sat looking mellow as he usually was; Gerard was looking at everyone else. Bob was drumming invisible drums and Ray was messing with his hair.

“Do we wana get started then?” Callie said they all nodded and said

“Yeah” They walked into Gerard’s basement and plugged in their instruments.

“We’re playing Demolition Lovers which Cal finished the other night and I’m Not Okay.” Gerard said, “We’ll do Demolition Lovers first” He said.

They rehearsed this song four times through and I’m Not Okay twice because they knew that one more. It was quarter to twelve. They all looked at the clock and then looked at each other.

“We’d better go” Frank said packing up his guitar. They all nodded and put their instruments in their cases.

They walked along the road as it took them fifteen minutes to get the audition place. It was a theater type place. They stood outside it for a couple of seconds.

“After you” Callie said to Gerard

“Ladies first” Callie sighed and went first followed by the others. It was massive. They walked in and were totally awestruck.

“Whoa!” Mikey said “Isn’t this fucking posh!” They continued to walk in trying to find someone who knew where they were supposed to be.

“Erm... excuse me?” Callie said to a man by the theater door “we’re My Chemical Romance. D-do you know where we are meant to be?” He looked down at them.

He was very tall and had round Harry Potter glasses that he wore at the end of his nose.

“Yes.” He said in a posh voice “Down the hall to the left there is a room that says your band name” they nodded and walked on. Callie turned around and said

“Thank you” She was the polite one. Sometimes.

They walked down the hall slowly. The wallpaper was a burgundy and the carpet was a dark green. It clashed a little but it didn’t matter because the place kind of took away the urge they had to care.

They saw the band names on the doors. "Blind Bullet" "Tainted Ruby" and finally

“My Chemical Romance!” They all said together seeing the poster on the door.

They all smiled. They walked in. The room wasn’t massive but my god was it posh. There were mirrors with lights around. They didn’t know what to say.

“Get used to it guys!” Gerard said “This is only the first!” They all cheered.

The man walked in and shushed them and told them to be careful not to break them.

“He must think we’re some kind of hooligan kids!” Frank said who was stood on the dressing table. She smiled and shook her head.

"I can't understand why!" Callie said sarcasticly