I'm not okay I promise

Battel Of the Bands continued


Callie and the guys sat in a diner after finishing eating.

“Stuffed” Frank said sitting back and taking a sip of is soda. Callie was watching Mikey’s mobile.

“Cal! They’ll call when they call!” Mikey said snatching his phone from the table.

“I know, I just wish they’d hurry!” Callie said, “How can it take them three hours to make a decision?” Callie said grumpily

“Calm it.” Frank said, “We’ve won hands down.” He said cockily

“You don’t know that.” She said

“Come on Callie! Chill out for a bit” Gerard said “you can become all tense when we’re there” She laughed.

They all seemed content. “My dad would have wanted us to make it,” She thought, “My mum wouldn’t have cared. I wish my dad was here to help us” She sighed and took a sip of her coke. She put it down and placed her hand on Gerard she smiled at him.

“Relax,” She told herself “We did fine”

Just then, Mikey’s phone rang. In shock, Callie knocked coke over Gerard’s trousers and a little on herself.

“Jesus!” He said sliding away. “Shit” He said looking at his trousers that looked like he had pissed himself.

“Ha! Gerard has pissed himself!” Frank laughed. They all looked at Callie who was trying hard to not laugh but ended up bursting out laughing.

“Oh god Gee I” sorry!” Callie said laughing her head off.

“Shhhh!” Mikey said, “It’s the judges!” Everyone went dead silent. “Yes? Aha, ok we’ll be there soon” Mikey said he hung up. Everyone looked at him like they hadn’t heard anything.

“Well? Come on! Lets go!” Mikey said. They all bustled for their stuff and headed out.

“Wait! What about me?” Gerard said before they could walk out. “I can’t go looking like I’ve pissed myself!” He said. They all laughed.

“Come on. We’ll go back to your house and get you cleaned up,” Callie said grabbing his hand and walking out.

“Hurry guys! We need to be there in ten minutes!” Ray said. They nodded and started jogging.

“I am sorry gee” Callie said, “I didn’t mean to” She looked at him

“It’s okay. But we need to hurry” they carried on running picking up the pace as Callie looked at her watch.

“Come on Callie!” Gerard said as she was getting tired. Callie hurried.

“Ah!” Callie yelled falling to the ground.

“Cal?” Gerard asked, “What’s wrong?!”

“I’ve twisted my ankle!” Callie said groaning in pain. Gerard looked around and thought “Shit. We need to get there soon” So he did the first thing that came to his mind. He said

“Callie. Get on my back” She looked up at him confused

“What the fuck?” She said

“Hurry!” He said. Gerard helped her up and got her on his back and begun running.

“Sorry Gerard, I’m heavy!” Callie said

“Actually you’re not,” He said.


“Wait here.” Gerard put Callie on the sofa and ran upstairs.

“Fucking hell fire” Callie thought, “I had to go and twist my ankle” She sighed and sat back keeping her eye on the clock, a few seconds later Gerard came downstairs with a clean pair of jeans on.

“I’ll try and walk” Callie said. She stood up and her ankle gave way. “Shit” She said

“Never mind. I’ll carry you again,” Gerard said lifting her up.

“Gee we have five minutes to get there!” Callie said

“So? We’ll make it,” He said. He walked out and began running. Callie hung on to Gerard’s neck. She put her head on his shoulder.

“This is fucked up,” Callie said. He looked at her and smiled

“Stop worrying Cal.” She kissed him on the cheek. “They’d better try and stall it” Gerard said,

“We’re a bit late now” Callie groaned. Not long after they reached the door. He put Callie down and helped her in.

“Shit! We’ve already gone in!” Callie said they walked onto the stage where Revolution, Tainted Ruby and the rest of My Chem. Were stood. They walked over, Callie limping.

“Sorry we’re late we… um had a bit of a situation,” Gerard said

“Ok, we have talked and argued. But now we have come to a decision” Said a judge. Louisa’s dad was sat next to him.

He didn’t look at them. “In no order, Revolution …” He said. They looked anxious “you didn’t make it I’m sorry. Well done for getting this far.” He said.

They walked off the stage to wait backstage. Callie stomach flipped. “Oh god! Louisa’s dad is grinning! We haven’t made it!” She thought. The rest of the band was thinking along the same lines

“My Chemical Romance?” Said Louisa’s dad. “I’m sorry you didn’t make it” Callie felt like crying. She felt so dissapointed. They had worked so hard! Tainted Ruby screamed and gave them a glare.

“Come on…” Frank said they begun to walk off stage when the last judge said

“Hold on a second! That isn’t what we agreed!” Callie looked up at them “We said they should go out!” He said pointing at Tainted Ruby “They were terrible.”

“Oh yes. My Chemical Romance you have won the record deal!” Said the first judge. Callie stood in shock for a second before realizing.

“WE MADE IT!” Callie screamed. She hugged Gerard. They were all yelling.

“Well Done.” Said the judge. They all looked at Louisa and she frowned.

“But DADDY! You said you’d make US win!” Louisa said getting off sage and walking away with her father, her muffled yells echoed. They all smiled. Gerard hugged Callie again and kissed her.

“We’ve done it!” He whispered in her ear. She smiled.

“We’ll we will see you at the recording studio’s in a forthright time today” said the judge. He smiled and walked out followed by the other judge.