I'm not okay I promise

Taken 12/3/2000

“Then you expand the brackets. You know how to do that don’t you?” Callie asked Frank.

He nodded like saying yes-Stupid-not-that-stupid!

“You owe me for this you know” She said sitting back in her chair gazing outside

“I know but you love me so I won’t need to pay you back then will I Cal” Frank said scribbling in his book.

“Don’t bet on it,” She said folding her arms. She ran her fingers through her hair then began biting her nails. She scratched her head and sighed.

“Are you that board?” Frank asked her

“Yes. Hurry up Frankie! I want to go outside” She said eyeing people laughing outside.

“Okay nearly done,” He said writing faster.

Callie looked at Frank. He had his tongue out while writing. She giggled. She lent back on the two legs of her chair thinking.

“I wonder what it’s going to be like when we’re famous!” Callie thought, “I wonder if anyone of us will change. I hope we don’t I like everyone how they are” Callie smiled. Her mobile vibrated.

Callie wherever you are gets outside. Need to tell you two something! Gee xx It said. She laughed.

“What?” Frank asked

“Gerard wants us to come outside, he needs to tell us something. So hurry!” She said. He nodded and continued to write.

Callie searched on her phone for her pictures. She flicked through them. – Me and Gee – stupid Frankie – bob high – Gerard’s mouth – what the fuck? – CaL aNd FrAnKiE aNd GeE – My Chemical Romance -. Callie laughed at the pictures. She was about to flick her phone down when she spotted a photo she hadn’t seen in a while.

'Taken 12/3/2000,' Callie read. She clicked it and looked. It was she, her father, her mother and her sister outside their house when they had moved back to Derbyshire. Callie smiled. She looked at the look on her face back them.

Her heart pricked not a bad prick, a good one. She looked so happy, they all did. She flipped back to the one of she and her friends in America. She looked happy there too. It wasn’t the same happy. Callie wished that she could be with her family and all of her friends again. She wanted to be able to smile and have everything she wanted. People don’t always think of others.

Like her mother “she killed herself and didn’t think of me.” Callie thought. Her eyes filled with tears. “No! Don’t cry. Don’t cry for her,” One half of Callie’s mind was telling her that the other was telling her “She is your mother, she would have still died for you. She loved you” The stronger side won.

She took a deep breath and rubbed the bridge of her nose.

“Done!” Frank said slamming his book closed and packing up. Callie faked a smiled shut her phone, picked up her bag and walked out with Frank.

“Where are they?” Frank asked her.

“How the fuck should I know?” Callie said. Frank shrugged and they walked on. Callie looked around at everyone.

There were Goths, indie, emos, chavs all sorts. She couldn’t help thinking why they put labels on themselves. They just had to be, well themselves! As they walked everyone looked at them.

“Come on Frankie” She said grabbing his hand they started to jog. They walked over to the field and spotted the guys sitting in the shade.

“Honestly I don’t know how stupid going to cope if and when we become famous,” Callie said to Frank as they walked up to the guys.

“You’ll cope” Frank said. She smiled at him.

“Hey guys” Callie said sitting down next to Mikey.

“Heya” they all said.

“Where were you guys?” Gerard asked them.

“Math’s, Frank had some work to finish off and I said I’d help him” Callie said.

“What did you want to tell us?” Frank asked him. Gerard looked around to see if she was there.

“This girl asked us if we wanted to come to a party tonight.” He said.

“What girl?” Callie asked

“I dunno, I hadn’t spoken to her since third grade, and I can’t remember her name” Callie nodded and said

“Sure sounds like fun” She smiled at him. Mikey looked at Bob and Ray and they begun laughing again.