I'm not okay I promise



“You stupid cow” Gerard said to the large girl. She giggled to her friends and walked off clicking her fingers.

“Oh Christ!” Gerard thought, “What do I do?” He was looking around panicking.

“Come on, wake up Callie!” He said shaking her. She lay on the floor very still. “Fucking hell” Gerard was thinking constantly.

He picked her up. She lolled in his arms. Gerard made his way back through the crowd to the other guys. They gawped at him.

“What the fuck?” Frank said.

“I’ll tell you outside. Come on we have to go” Gerard said to them. They nodded. The music was as eardrum bursting as before. They rushed out feeling everyone watching them.

“What? Stop looking! What do they think I’ve done? Raped her or something!” Gerard thought frowning slightly. They got out giving a sigh of relief. They began walking home.
“So what happened?” Frank asked looking at Callie. “Jesus! She’s going to have a shiner!”

They looked at her right eye. He was right.

“I don’t know for sure but all I saw was those bitches beating her up” Gerard said. Gerard’s arms began to ach. It’s not that Callie was heavy it’s just that he had been carrying her for two blocks. “Nearly home” He thought.


“I still feel sober. That was the worst party ever! They were all like gays and sluts. No decent music either.” Mikey said as they walked in through the door. Gerard hurried in and placed Callie on the couch.

“What do we do?” Gerard asked them. They shrugged.

“Lets throw water in her face!” Frank said. Seeing the look on everyone’s face he realized it wasn’t such a good idea after all. “What then?” Frank asked.

“I say we just leave her. She’ll wake up” Ray said.

“I hope you’re right dude.” Said Mikey

“She only got punched didn’t she” Ray said to him. He nodded and looked fully chilled in his chair.

Gerard looked at Callie sprawled on the sofa. Her eye looked painful. He should know he’s had many of them. He sat at the spare space above Callie’s head and turned on the TV.