I'm not okay I promise

Sky High


The same dilemma didn’t come to Callie one Thursday lunch. She glanced over to all the tables, but before seating at the same table alone (like she would have done a month ago) She saw Frank and Mikey yelling from over the cafeteria. Callie smiled and walked over. She was glad she had some friends now. Even if they were guys, she didn't care.

"What’s up Callie!!" Frank said

"Nothing really. Wasn’t that Science test bollocks?" Callie said sitting on a chair next to Mikey.

"Whoa! You swore. I didn’t think British people swore." Mikey said. Callie shot him the evils.

"Are you that thick?" Callie said

"Yeah he is. He’s my brother isn’t he!" Gerard said walking up them and sitting next to Callie.

The guys were mental. She didn’t mind the made her slightly insane. She was starting to losen up abit now. Callie was very self concious she didn't really like people looking at her unless she was doing something she was good at like singing.

"Oh my god frank! Get the fucking hell down from there!" Callie yelled as Frank walked along the roof. She was always the diplomatic one in the group.

"Chill out Callie!" Gerard said. He stood next to her laughing. Callie stood there. Heart racing. Then, Gerard picked her up and Frank grabbed her arms and pulled her up onto the roof. She screamed!

"Gerard! You bastard! Get me down from here!" Callie yelled grabbing hold of Frank. "Frank!! Fucking hell let me down!" She yelled at him. She tried to get down from the bin. "Mikey! Gerard! Help me!" She said. Slowly a crowd was gathering. "Oh God. I’m scared of heights!" She said to Frank. Everyone was laughing at her.

"Jump and I’ll catch you!" Gerard said. Callie shot him a threatening look.

"Do you really think I’ll jump?" She said. Putting her hands on her hips and wobbled slightly.

"Yes. Now come on. Don’t you trust me?" He said looking into her eyes holding his arms out. She sighed.

"Ok. But I swear to God Gerard if you fucking drop me you’re in for it." She said.

She took a breath and jumped. Gerard caught her but fell to the floor. They were sat in a heap on the ground laughing. They couldn’t get up because they were laughing so much. The crowd dispersed. They stood up. Callie straightened herself then gave Gerard a hard thump on the arm.

"Ouch! What was that for? I caught you didn’t I?!" Gerard said

"Yeah. But you’re the reason I was up there you prick." Callie said. The bell rang "Come on lets go."