I'm not okay I promise

I'm Not O-***ing-kay

"How come you haven’t had any friends over Callie?" Callie’s mum said on the Saturday morning.

"Well I- erm- I-" She said. Looking nervous.

"Ha! You haven’t got any!" Said her little sister Sam

"Yes I do! I’ve been at the school a month now haven’t I!" Callie yelled at her sister

"Nah you’re a loner. You always will be" Sam said laughing

"Piss off you little-"

"Callie-Rose Jameson! Don’t ever talk to your sister like that!" Her mother said.

Callie mumbled under her breath. Callie wasn't the type of person to care what her mother thinks. Her mother tried her hardest to annoy Callie or snap at her in some way. Callie sat at the table doing her maths homework. She had never taken well to maths. She read the equation, which read 5(a+3b)-(2a+b). She sighed and chucked her pen onto her book. Just then, her phone rang.

"Hello?" She answered

"Hey! It’s me you know from the other night. I know you only thought it was a one night stand but I want you again." Callie looked at caller ID.

"Hi Gerard." She said

"Danm. What are you doing?" He asked

"Homework." She said

"Fuck. What homework?" Gerard said panicking.

"Maths, History and Music. I’m doing maths right now. I don’t get it at all." Said Callie

"Oh! I get maths it’s a synch! Can I come over and you could help me I could help you what do you say?" He said. He was giving her the sad eyes. She could tell. She sighed "Yes thanks!"

"Wait Gerard-"

"Where do you live?"

"Twenty Maple Street, but Gee-"

"Ok see you in fifteen minutes" and he hung up.

"Fuck!’ She said. She looked at herself and her house. "Fifteen minutes!" She yelled.

Callie was wearing her pyjamas. She ran upstairs. Grabbed her best pair of jeans and her favourite top put them on. Combed her hair and put some lip-gloss on. Callie didn’t fancy Gerard or anything but she couldn’t let one of her new best friends see her looking like a dog because obviously she cared what they thought. She ran around the room cleaning. She stopped and looked around and said

"That’ll do" Callie ran down stairs and sat at the table. She tried the equation again. No hope. She sat waiting. Then, the doorbell rung. Her stomach did a back flip then a summersault. Callie stood up and walked to the door. Opened it and smiled back at the smiling Gerard at the door.

"Hey." She said. "Come in." She opened the door wider for him to walk in.

"Nice." He said sitting at the table.

"Thanks. Er I was thinking we could go upstairs to my room. I don’t want you too-"

"Callie!! Who is this?" Her mum said walking into the room. Callie screwed up her face. Gerard obviously saw the reason why she wanted to go upstairs.

"Gerard Way. My friend." She said

"Nice to meet you Mrs Jameson." Gerard said politely.

"Erm come on Gee. We’re gunna go and do some homework mum." Callie said grabbing his arm and leading him upstairs. Half way up she said

"Oh god she is so annoying. Not as annoying as my little sister Megan. Ignore her if she talks to you." Callie said. They walked along her hallway. She stood towards the end door but pushed a button on the wall. A ladder came down.

"Wow! You live in a attic!" Gerard said in amazement. She smiled and started to climb up followed by Gerard.

"Not much but you know." She said sitting on her sofa. Gerard came and joined her

"So what homework?" He said to her.

"Maths, History and Music" She said

"Oh! I’ve done history and music." Said Gerard.

"Twat." Callie said. He laughed. "You know I really can’t be arsed to do my maths homework." She stood up put her hands in her pocket and said. "What do you wana do?" Callie said

"Jam.’ Gerard said. Looking over at her guitar.

Callie had been playing for over five years now. She made a habit of turning up her amp and annoying everyone in the house. It's not that she was bad, on the contrary she was very good.

"I'll teach you one of our songs!" Gerard said to her. She smiled and said

"Ok then. My dad old guitar in my wardrobe." Gerard looked at her funny "The closet." She emphasised. He walked over and picked up the stagg.

"Fucking Hell fire!’ Gerard said in shock ‘You have a fender strat!!"

"Yeah. It was my dad’s. I have and extra amp over there." Callie said Plugging in her guitar and tuning it.

"Ok. This song is called ‘I’m not ok.'" Gerard tort her how to play the first verse and the chorus she sang along

"Well if you wanted honesty, that's all you had to say.
I never want to let you down or have you go, it's better off this way.
For all the dirty looks, the photographs your boyfriend took,
Remember when you broke your foot from jumping out the second floor?
I'm not okay.
I'm not okay.
I'm not okay.
You wear me out." Callie and Gerard sung together

"Hey you’re really good." Gerard said.

"That song is awesome!" Callie said putting down her guitar.

"We could do with a female voice in our band. What do you think?" He said to her. She stood there looking shocked.

"Yeah sure! That’d be great." Callie said hugging him. Callie had always wanted to be in a band. She came close to being in one at her old school but she had to move. That's one reason why she was so bitter to her mother.

"Of course I’d need to check with the others. But I don’t see why not." He said. Just at that minute his mobile rang. She let go of him and he answered it.

"Dude! Where the fuck are you?"

"Frank I’m at Callie’s" Gerard said

"Oh! Can we come over?"

"Erm…" He looked at her.

She shook her head vigorously. Having five boys in the house would give her mum a heart attack. She was surprised she was even aloud Gerard here ‘Hold on.’ He put his mobile on mute.

"Gerard no." Callie said

"Why not?"

"Because! Just tell them we’re on our way out and that we’ll meet them near school." She said looking nervous. He looked at her expecting an answer. Gerard un muted his phone.

"Sorry mate. We’re on our way out. We’ll meet you near school." He said and hung up. She pressed a button for the ladder to go down and they walked out.