I'm not okay I promise

20 Questions

“Ok, Take it steady.” Callie thought. She stood in the gym on a mat preparing herself for a handspring back flip. “1,2,3” She did a handspring and went gracefully into a back flip. She stood there panting.

“Wow! Did I actually do that?” she said.

“Yeah you did.” Frank said walking into the gym.

“Did I say that out loud?” Callie said looking embarrassed

“Erm… yeah you did.” Frank said walking up to her. “Have you ever thought of free running?”

“Oh god no! I’d probably kill myself!” Callie said. Frank laughed.

“So. What happened with you and Gerard the other day?” he got to the point. Her heart sank

“Nothing why?” Callie answered

“No reason. Just because I don’t think you two were on your way out. What happened really?”

“For fucks sake Frank! Nothing! Really. Why though? You must have asked for a reason,” Callie said looking at him

“I was wondering whether there was something going on between you two.” Frank said looking inquisitive.

“No.” She said. “Now, if you want to watch sit over there.” She pointed to a bench. She did a back flip and ready to do another when Frank said

“I think Gerard likes you, you know.”

“What? What makes you say that?” Callie said. Stopping and standing up straight.

“I dunno. I see the way he looks at you. And he always talks about you.” She smiled, but not to broadly. “He talks about me,” she thought.

“Oh.” Callie walked over and sat next to him “Good things I hope”

“Always.” Frank looked at her.

“Frankie. You’re not jealous are you?” Callie asked him

“No! I was just making a point that I think he likes you as more than a friend.” She sighed.

She thought the same as Frank. Gerard had tried to kiss her, its not that she didn’t want to kiss him ever. Just not then. She wanted to get to know him a bit more. But… she was trying to hide the fact that she was falling for him.

“I’m going to get changed Frank. I’ll see you later.” She stood up and walked off waving as she went.