I'm not okay I promise

Was it unexpected?

Callie thought about what Frank had said all next week. She couldn’t stop. Even in science on Friday. There was five minutes to go before the bell went to signal the end of the week. She was doodling in her book. Mrs Robson was talking about something… she didn’t know or care what.

“Miss Jameson? Are you listening?” Mrs Robson asked her

“Yes miss” She replied. After, pretending to listen. She could hear people talking behind her. She looked around to see Gerard smiling at her. She smiled back. He mimed something. She didn’t know what.

“What?” She whispered. He mouthed the same thing

“What?” She said louder

“Miss JAMESON!” Callie whipped around

“Sorry miss” the teacher was about to respond but the bell went. Mrs Robson sighed and said

“Have a good weekend everyone” Callie smiled and packed up her things. She met Gerard outside

“What were you saying?” She asked him

“Oh, nah it doesn’t matter anymore. Ok. So Frank, Mikey, Bob, Ray and me of course are coming over to my place to watch a film tonight. Wana come?” He asked. She nodded

“Sure. What time?” She asked

“Well everyone is getting there at about nine. But if you wana come earlier…”

“I’ll be there at eight if you want me there earlier. See you tonight then.” Callie walked of flicking her hair.


“If your life wont wait then your heart can’t take the….” Callie sung and played. Then her mobile rang.

“Hey It’s Gee.”

“Oh hey. Wait a sec.” She put down her guitar “What?”

“What film so you want to watch?” Gerard asked “Oh no fucking girly movies”

“Sexist Wanker.” She said “Plus I don’t watch “girly movies” whatever. You lot pick.” Callie said.

“Ok then. What are you doing?” He asked


“Sweet. Okay I’ll get to the point. I’m so board. Can you come over now?” Callie checked her watch. It was five thirty.

“Erm… sure. I don’t know where you live Gee. Why don’t you come here and take me to your house?” She suggested

“Ok. Be there soon.” He said

“Good. Hurry you bugger.” She said, Gerard laughed and they hung up. She got her converse on and waited.


The doorbell rung. Callie ran downstairs and rushed to the door before her mum or sister could get to it.

“Hey.” He said to her.

“What’s up?” She said stepping outside shutting the door behind her and walking with Gerard.

“Thanks for coming. I was so board.” Gerard said

“Me too to be honest” Callie said looking into his eyes. Should she tell him about what Frank said “Gerard- She tripped over a slab in the pavement “fuck!” She said loudly. She looked at her knee it was all grazed. “Ouch.”

“Fucking klutz” Gerard said but he helped her up “What were you gunna say?” She was about to say when her phone rang. She growled.

“What do you want Frank?” She answered

“That's a nice way to answer Cal! Erm… I need to reach Gerard. The wanker left his mobile somewhere. Know how to get him?” Frank said

“Yeah. I’m with him. Here.” She handed the phone to him


“Gee mate I cant make it tonight.” Frank said

“Ahh you shit head, why not?”

“Because I’m grounded and I have to do stuff.” He said sounding miserable

“Ok mate.” Gerard said, “It’ll have to be me, Mikey, Bob, Ray and Callie then.”

“No, Callie and you. Bob, Ray and Mikey are at a party. Told me” Frank said

“Oh shit.” He said. “Never mind then. I’ll beat you lot up on Monday. See ya.” Then he passed her phone back.

“You and me?” Callie asked

“You and me” He replied. They walked all the way to Gerard’s house.

“What film did u pick?” She asked him. He looked warningly at her “Is it scary?”

“Yes.” She sighed

“It’s better not be too scary Gerard! Come on.”


The film was playing. Callie was scared of nearly all of it. Spent most of the time hiding on Gerard’s shoulder. He had his arm around her. She was to scared to care.

“Ok, it’s an ok bit.” Gerard said to her. She took her head off his shoulder

“Good. This film is really scary Gerard!” She said to him looking at the TV.

“Callie,” Gerard said “You know the other week when you started crying in your bed.”

“Yeah what about it?” Callie asked

“Did you get up because I tried to kiss you?” Callie turned her head sharply to the left and looked up at him. She paused.

“No.” She said

“Did I make you feel uncomfortable?” He asked. She paused again to think.

“No.” She said again. He began to lean towards her. “He’s going to kiss me!” she thought.

She didn’t back away this time. Just before she kissed him a scream and a loud thunderclap sounded out. She jumped and stood up.

“Callie!” Gerard said looking fed up.

“I’d better go.” She said, “It’s getting late” She grabbed her coat.

“Wait! I’ll walk you home.” He opened the door. It was absolutely throwing it down with rain and it was thunder and lightening. “We can’t walk to your house in this.” She sighed, walked over to the sofa and sat down.

“I’ll go and get you some spare clothes to sleep in.” He said. Callie was flustered.

“I nearly kissed him again!” She thought, “Why does he keep doing that?” she was really confused.

“Here” Gerard threw her some baggy clothes.

“Thanks.” She said. Callie felt really uncomfortable

“So, do you wana sleep on the couch? Or in my bed?” She looked startled “N-n-not with me!” He added seeing the look on her face

“The sofa… couch.” He nodded.

“You can get dressed in the bathroom. Upstairs to the right.”

She took off her coat and went upstairs and got changed. She came downstairs to find Gerard in his pyjamas on the sofa watching TV. She sat next to him.

“There’s nothing on.” He turned it off. Callie and Gerard sat at the on the sofa.

Gerard looked at her. He stood up and walked over to the stereo.

“This is one of my favourite songs that we have done. The only one we recorded.” He said “Its called Disenchanted”

Callie looked at him with deep content. She smiled softly at him stating to feel the awkwardness dissolve away when the song started to play. His green eyes making her melt inside. Then, Gerard did something she wasn’t expecting. He walked over to her and held his hand out.

“May I have this dance?” He said. Callie had never heard him talking so polite. She laughed and said

“Are you serious? I’m in your baggy clothes! I’m all grose!”

“Yeah I’m serious! I don’t care” She smiled and took his hand.

Callie was taken back by how good he was. “Wow.” Callie muttered, “you’re really good” Callie was really falling for him this time. The song played on. She transferred both her arms around his neck and he held her waist. They were very close. She could feel his heart beating. The song was nearing an end. Gerard looked into her eyes.

“Callie. I really like you.” He said. She felt him drawing her closer. “And I think I’ve fallen for you.” Callie smiled.

She felt all warm and safe there in his arms. The end of the song was slow. He bent his head down to kiss her. She closed her eyes and without thinking this time; kissed him. She didn’t realise the song had ended. She didn’t care. She and him were stood there without a care in the world. When they separated. Callie looked at him and smiled. They stood there for a while staring at each other.

“I love you Callie,” He said breaking the silence. Her stomach did a back flip

“I love you too.” She said and they kissed again.