I'm not okay I promise

The Frank who cried EMERGENCY

Callie had spent most of the day at Gerard’s house. She was dreading going back home. But she had to. Gerard and Callie walked back to her house round about six thirty.

“Are we like, going out now?” Callie asked

“Yeah, I guess so.” He said

“Bye.” She said. He kissed her and Callie walked in just to find her mother and her sister in the kitchen.

“WHERE were you last night!? I’ve been worried sick!” Her mother yelled

“Sorry! I was at Gerard’s! It was raining to bad for me to walk home. Plus it was like nine! It was really dark!” Callie justified

“Why didn’t you call me?” Callie mumbled “Pardon!” She said impatiently

“I forgot. I got distracted.” Callie said. Her mother looked stunned

“Did you sleep with this boy?” Said her mother

“What! No! Why would you think such-?

“I didn’t know what to think! This is so not like you!” She said

“Sorry! It did occur to me that-

“You’re grounded!” She yelled

“But! -

“For a week!” Callie stomped upstairs and mumbled something “Are you trying to make it two weeks?!” Her mother said.

Callie was so mad! She flung herself onto her bed. “Fucking hell! It was a mistake!” she thought, “I didn’t have sex with Gerard! I just slept at his house! What is she so mad about?” Callie screamed into her pillow. She looked at her phone.

“Ring.” She said hoping it would. “Ring you bloody cretin!” Again, it didn’t.

She got angry and threw it across the room. Callie wondered what to do. Spotting her guitar she picked it up and pretended to smash it (obviously she didn’t. It was a Fender Stratocaster), then she sat on her bed and madly played a song. As she progressed into the song; she calmed down. Callie thought about what had happened last night. “Would Gerard have told Frank?” She thought. Just then her mobile rang. She hurried over to it because she was sure she wouldn’t be aloud to use it.

“Hello?” She whispered

“Hiya Callie, It’s Frank.” He whispered

“Oh, hey…. Frank, I’m grounded” She said

“Me too, but I need to see you. Its an emergency.” Frank said hurriedly

“Ok. Is it bad?” Callie asked

“Erm… I dunno, will you meet me near the fountain near the park?” He asked

“I’ll try.” She said. “Bye” She hung up. Callie looked around trying to find a way of sneaking out. “The window!” She said.

She walked over to it and opened it. She looked around and said “I hope I know what I’m doing.” And she climbed out. Callie had never done this before. Sneaked out of the house. Frank said it was an emergency! “What will I do when I get back?” Callie thought. “I know, I’ll sneak back though the window. My mum still thinks I’m in my room.” She grinned a little and started running. She’d finally reached the place where she was meant to be meeting Frank. She looked around.

“Callie?” Frank said

“Frank!” Callie walked over to him “What’s the emergency?” She asked

“Why are you grounded?” Frank asked changing the subject

“Because my mum thinks I slept with Gerard” Callie said

“And did you?” Frank said looking shocked

“No!” Callie was getting pissed off with people thinking that! “For fucks sake Frank! I didn’t sneak out of the house to have this conversation.” Callie said angrily “What-is-the-emergency?” He looked at her strangely. “FRANK!” Callie yelled.

“Did you kiss Gerard?” Frank said. Callie had an idea why he wanted to talk about this

“Yes.” She blushed and folded her arms “Why?”

“Because…” he kissed her, Callie backed away

“Frank.” She said in disappointment “Why did you do that?”

“You met me first! I thought you might have liked me. But it was Gerard who you liked” He started walking away

“Frank wait.” She said. “I love Gerard. And I love you too, just not in the way you want me to.” She felt really bad. But she told him the truth.

“Ok. I understand.” Frank said he turned to walk away. He turned to her and said “Promise you wont tell Gerard about this Callie” She nodded and he walked away. Callie sighed and walked home. Trying to neglect the guilt she felt.