Status: New Story :D-Slowly being worked on.

You Be the Beast and I Will Be the Beauty

I'll Be Your Connection To The Party Line

My name is Belle Blair. I'm 17 and I go to Jackson High School located in California. You can see the beautiful beach from the school. Of course I don't really care to much for Cali. I would prefer to live somewhere colder. Hot weather disgusts me. I would rather live in the cold. I am not your typical teenage girl. I don't like many people. I am quiet but very opinionated. I know things even when others don't actually see it. Out of my friends I'm the advice giver. I am rarely wrong. My parents are divorced and I'm an only child. In fact I live by myself. The only reason I stay in Cali is to finish high school. I'm a junior now and I could really care less about the normal high school drama of boys, prom queen, or parties. I really only have two best friends. Sally and Natalia. Even then I don't hang out with them much. I just am one of those loners. I get good grades and am just trying to make it out of here alive.

It's Monday, a week before Halloween and everyone is talking about the Halloween dance that's happening on Friday. Sally and Natalia were talking about their skanky costumes. I was focused on remembering my locker combination. Therefore I wasn’t listening to them.

“Bebe!” I jumped and stared at Natalia. Bebe was my nickname since my first and last name start with a “b”. Only these two are allowed to call me that.

“What are going as, to the dance?” She was giving me this weird look.

“I’m not going. I have better things to be doing.” I muttered returning the look Sally threw me. I don’t do the whole school dance thing. I can dance, all sorts of dancing. I just don’t really like the fact that everybody thinks they have to go to these stupid things or the fact that I don’t like anyone here expect for Sally and Natalia. Oh and the music always sucks.

“Yes, you are. And I have you a costume. Come to my house after school Friday. I will help you get ready.” Sally hated the fact that I never did anything outside of school that involved the school. She thought that I needed to be trying out for cheerleader and doing sports. She thinks I could do it all. I know that none of that matters after high school. Nobody cares if you were number one on the basketball team, or head cheerleader.

“Whatever.” I slammed my locker shut. The last bell rang the signaling of freedom. Time to go home and do homework, and just relax.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know this is short, but I'm not sure if this is even how I want to start. Let me know if you like it. :)

Chapter title: Get The Party Started-Pink
Word Count: 447
