A Magic Rock, an Evil Lab, and the Self-Destructing Self-Reconstructing BioMachine

Chapter 10

Alex stared at the man. She couldn’t believe what she’d just seen. How was he awake? How was he even alive?

Defying all expectations, the man rose from the bed and walked to the bedside table. He put on a white bathrobe that had been laid out for him.

“I recognize you from before.” He said.

Alex was speechless. The man turned around and gave her a good stare.

“We don’t have long to exchange information, so get talking.” He demanded.

“My…my name is Alex Brown.” Alex stammered.

“I’m Tony.” The man said. “Tell me what happened to Megan.”

“I think she escaped.” Alex said. “I found her rock lying on the ground, and I think she tried to warn me about…this.” Alex indicated their surroundings. “And she left a message on my TV – something about a girl named Zoe.”

“So you don’t understand anything that’s going on here?” Tony asked.

“No.” Alex said, her voice trembling. She felt like she could have burst into tears. The sheer magnitude of the situation had only now dawned on her. Even if the doctors learned that she wasn’t really Megan, they were not going to let her go.

“There’s not enough time for me to tell you about Zoe, but I can tell you this: if you know what’s good for you, you’ll pretend you’re Megan. If they find out they caught the wrong girl, you’ll be in a world of trouble.”

Alex nodded silently.

“I think I hear him coming back.” Tony said, looking at the door.

Sure enough, the doctor burst into the room. His face was pink and he was out of breath.

“What happened?” Tony asked.

“Good – you’re awake.” The doctor snapped in between pants. “Megan, come with me.
You’re no longer needed.” He said to Alex.

Keeping in mind what Tony had told her, Alex quietly let the doctor lead her back to her room. She wanted to ask him who Tony was, but she thought better of it. Perhaps in a few more days, she would get a chance to talk to Tony again, and maybe he would tell her what was going on. In the meantime, she needed to think of a way to get out.