Status: chapters will come as quick as I get responses to this. I'm just starting it.

Priceless Despicable Things

I love you but I love him too

I should have never spoken to Carter he makes me so angry. What did he mean by she makes me forget you? I guess I'll never know. Pulling out my diary I begin to write.

Dear Diary,
These days I can't seem to do anything right. Every single day I'm cheating on Nick with Jake and I can't stop. I've said a 100 times that I love Nick but every little kiss I share with Jake makes me fall in love with him too. I don't know what to do. On top of all that. I talked to Carter today for the first time in months and it made all those old feelings for him come back. I don't understand how one person could love 3 people but I do. I don't know if I love Carter as anything more than friend for sure but I know it's something. What could he see in Michelle anyway? She's probably just using him. Wait he's probably just using her.
I'm supposed to meet Jake in his bunk today before his show but I don't know if I can do it. Somehow between all those kisses that seemed to just come naturally things got really complicated. I love Nick but somehow part of me loves Jake too. Jake has a way of making me forget everything and just be happy. His kisses aren't needy they are filled with so much passion and sweetness. When I kiss Nick all I feel is how hard his lips taste against mine and how cold they are.
Everything's changed Diary. We used to be this happy couple and everyone would tell us to stop being so gross and couply. All of a sudden Jake started going behind Nick and everyone's back to see me. He'd find me when I went on a walk. He'd grab me in between sets. Jake was like my drug and I couldn't resist. The next thing I know Nick and I aren't really speaking anymore.
Maybe I need to set this straight as much as I don't want to hurt Nick I'm hurting him in the long run by not. Derek said I have till Wednesday and it's Sunday.
Well Diary I guess I better go I've got a lot of explaining to do and not a lot of time to do it.

This is June closing off
Wish me luck!
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Short but that's because a lot of stuff is going down.