Status: chapters will come as quick as I get responses to this. I'm just starting it.

Priceless Despicable Things

You should really learn to keep your mouth shut

Days have gone by on this tour and I never told Nick about Jake and I kissing again.....and again. Somehow between everything going on our lips always manage to connect in the strangest places. It started in an alley way and led to a bathroom, closet, office, trailer and the worst one Nick's bunk. Nobody had caught us yet. Everytime someone came looking for one of us the other would run or hide. I've been really distant towards Nick lately because I hate how I'm hurting him. He doesn't even sleep on our bus anymore with me. The only time we talk is when we hang out which is only a few times a week for lunch.

I'm not this type of person. I don't cheat on people but Jake is hard to resist.

As I'm walking around the venue in Florida I hear someone approach me. I look over expecting it to be either Jake or Nick but it was neither. I find myself staring into the eyes of Derek. "I know what you are doing and it's not fair to Nick". "how do you know what is and isn't fair to Nick", I said. "I'm not stupid I know you and Jake are sneaking around, well not jus tme everyone knows it but Nick. He's too stupid and in love with you to open his eyes and understand whats happening right in front of him. It's been decided by everyone and I just came to tell you that you have until wednesday to say something or we will".
Opening my mouth to speak I realize I am once again alone and stuck. How did I get myself into this mess. It's times like this that I wish I had Carter and Chad around. I pull out my phone and text carter to get on aim that it's really important.

I turn around running to my bunk. After signing on to aim I quickly see he's online. I click his user name and begin to type

JunexRose: Carter I know you never wanted to speak to me again but I need some advice. I've done something so horrible. I cheated on NIck and the worst part is I've been doing it for days.
Carter12Xx: You don't need my help. I'm not your friend anymore remember. This is pay back for what you did to me.
JunexRose: You broke my heart more than once and when I finally dish out some pay back you want to act like it's such a big deal.
Carter12Xx: I WAS in love with you. I thought I could have all those girls and still end up with the girl I really wanted....YOU. I thought I could justify what I was doing if it was aimed towards getting you
JunexRose: I'm here asking for help and you want to fight with me. I never said I didn't love you because I do but I love Nick and maybe even in some weird way I love Jake too. Don't make me have to deicide between the 3 of you I can't handle that. I can barely figure out what I'm supposed to do with 2.
Carter12Xx: Maybe you should learn to keep your mouth shut. I'd hope you're keeping your legs shut.
JunexRose: CARTER! HOW DARE YOU! I bet you didn't expect this but the only person I've had sex with is you. You're such an ASSHOLE. goodbye!
Carter12Xx: wait June I'm sorry. I'm really sorry
JunexRose: Why are you sorry
Carter12Xx: For treating you like crap can we at least go back to being friends again I miss my June Bug.
JunexRose: I told you to never call me that. I can forgive you if you promise not to bring up your feelings towards me at all. Everything is already too much to handle I don't need the pressure from you added to it.
Carter12Xx: OK gotta go. I'm supposed to be taking Michelle out to dinner (rolls eyes)
JunexRose: Why are you with her?
Carter12Xx: She makes me forget you
Carter12Xx has signed off
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another chapter I hope it's better than the last it's a bit longer.