Best Friends to the end...

love at first and last sight

As I was walking in the store, a little head caught my eye... It was peaking from underneath a litle log, and the oversized and glossy brown eyes stared at me.
She stood there, just staring at me like a statue, so hard that nothing takes down. She didn't move for quite a while, but I did... When that happened, I saw the tiny head dissapear under the log.

I knew she was the one...

This friendship of mine, lasts for, at least, 9 sheds, and going for the 10th...
My snakes name is Shadow, and she's now 22.4 inches long, but the owner of the litle head above, had only 9 inches at the time.

Well, after I fell in love with that litle head of hers and those super oversized eyes, I decided to take her home with me... She wasn't the preetiest, but she had that something...

I've been there for her since her first shed, and she returned to me all the love and time I gave to her... She's very special, and I love her too much...

Call me crazy for loving a snake this much, tell me that this is stupid, tell me that snakes don't show their feelings, that they can't show when they're happy, sad, tell me all you want...
You know nothing...

I can talk about that animal, in a way that I can't talk about people...

-She's always there for me, no matter what
-She doesn't judge me
-She calms me when I'm nervous
-She makes me happy when I'm sad

Oh, and she's a very quiet roommate, and great to study with!!! :D

Shadow is my best friend for about a year now, and I'm posting this as a way to celebrate the anniversary of the beggining of our friendship... and I hope I'll keep doing it every year for a very long time!

I hope that I changed your mind about snakes (if you though they were mean creatures) or reenforced your thought, becouse that was my point...
snakes are misunderstood...