Status: Active :)

I Have Yet to Come Up With a Creative Name

Chapter Two

“You disobeyed my orders. You are now sentenced to counting all of the money in my royal money vaults. You are not to come back until every coin is accounted for. If any are missing, you will be killed in the thief’s place.” Tiki goddess Keely paused to inspect her nails for some time before looking up at Taylor is surprise.

“Did I not give you orders? Leave so I don’t have to deal with that horrid face for a moment longer!”

Before Taylor had time to move, a guard came in and escorted her from the room. He then blindfolded her.

Afraid of the dark, Taylor nearly began to shriek.

“Why can’t I see!?” she cried out, panicking.

In an annoyed voice the guard replied, “You have been blindfolded. No commoner is allowed the privilege of knowing where the royal money vaults are.” By the time he was done speaking, Taylor’s mouth had been duct taped shut so no one would have to hear her voice.

With the guard dragging her through endless fields and dirt roads, Taylor fell often. Each time she hit the ground the guard had to stifle his laughter. After hours of roaming around in complete darkness, the now bruised and bleeding Taylor was given permission to take off her blindfold.

Still unable to speak, Taylor stared silently at the piles and piles of coins stacked before her. It would be many days before all of this was counted.

“The Tiki goddess… she said that if not all the money was here, you would be killed. Correct?” The guard had an evil gleam in his eye, but Taylor wasn’t smart enough to catch on. She nodded her head.

The guard leaned forward, given the pleasure of ripping the tape off of Taylor’s mouth. She screamed in pain, and this time he could not hold in his laughter. He grabbed a few gold coins from one of the piles, making sure Taylor was watching him, and made his way out of the vaults. The heavy door thudded closed behind him.