Status: This story is still in the making! If you likey, telly? Haha thanks guys, and i hope you have as much fun reading it as we do making it! :D

Camp Half-Blood Heroes

Camp Halfblood Heros Chapter 1

It was your average friday night for a 14 year old teenage boy. Aj'd just reached 6th prestiege when his cell went off. He recognized his pirates of the Caribbean ringtone, and quickly picked it up. "Hey mom uh how are you calling from work..?" He said. "AJ RUN! PACK YOUR BAGS AND FIND GREATIN HELFER! HES AT THE BUS STATION WAITING FOR YOU! GO NOW! I LOVE YOU!" Was the frantic answer he got in return.Aj was many things at that particular moment in time. Confused, scared, and troubled. Aj knew his mom never used that tone unless it was a life or death situation, several of which he'd been i, others he'd heard on the news, and such. "MOM! WHATS HAPPENING! WH-" "I love you Ajax. Be careful." His mother said cutting him off. Aj was frozen, throughout this whole sentence, until he heard his mothers blood curdling scream, and the line drop dead. Then he hopped into action, quickly grabbing anything he needed, and quickly running out the door hopping on his bike, in hopes that his mother might be at the bus station, and that this was all just some prank to get him to come to the bus station to go visit his uncle in new york.
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So, first chapters up! We've actually written these all previously, so we will post all we have as quick as possible! Let us know what you think, and if spelling errors, grammer, ect. Bugs you, please let us know! Thanks :D! ~Hale