Status: This story is still in the making! If you likey, telly? Haha thanks guys, and i hope you have as much fun reading it as we do making it! :D

Camp Half-Blood Heroes

Camp Halfblood Heros Chapter 12

After finishing unpacking, Aj decided to get changed. He grabbed a brand new pair of cargo shorts, and his camp half-blood shirt, and went into the bathroom, showering quickly, and changing into the new clothes. After showering, he went back out into the cabin, and sat down on his bunk again, looking around for the girl from earlier but finding her nowhere in sight. Just then a loud sound blew threw the cabin, causing Aj to wince, and clutch at his ears. "What the-" He was cut off when Bryan shouted. "ALRIGHT CAMPERS MAKE A LINE! TIME FOR DINNER!" The loud mass of kids eventually made a line, leaving Aj pretty much in the dust as the walked quickly out of the cabin heading to what Aj guessed was the mess hall. He quickly took up the back of the line, still searching around for the girl from earlier, but finding her nowhere, and eventually giving up as he took his seat at the large table marked 'HERMES'. A cup was infront of him, and he picked it up, thinking it was filled, to find it empty. He gave it a weird look, that apparently wasnt unusual for a new camper, because a girl with Dark hair, and green eyes laughed lightly, and smiled at him. "You just have to say what you want aloud. It'll fill itself up. Just no wine, or beer or anything like that." She said with another small laugh. Aj smiled thankfully at her. "Thanks." He said. "No problem. Im Andria, Daughter of Hermes." She said holding out her hand to him, smiling slightly. "Ajax, but people call me Axel, or Aj." He said, taking her hand and shaking it gently, taking it back after doing so. "Nice to meet you Axel." She said, smiling at him once again. "Nice to meet you too Andria." He said laughing a bit, her joining in. "So, how long have you been here?" He asked, after awkwardly telling his cup he wanted grape soda, and taking a sip. "2 Years." She answered watching him carefully, with a rather amused expression. "Cool...what is it?" He asked self consiously as she stared at him. "Oh, nothing." She said blushing slightly. "Do i have something on my face, or-?" He said quickly, hoping he didnt look like an idiot with a giant grape mustache or something. "No no, you look fine." She said softly to him, to which he let out a sigh of relief. "Ok good. Thought i'd become some grape redneck..or...purple neck, for a second there." He said laughing lightly, smiling at her. She laughed with him and shook her head. "Nope." He nodded, and was about to ask her how old she was, when dinner was placed infront of them. Aj started to take a bite, until Andria told him not to. "We burn a share of our foods to the gods as an offering." She said, with a slightly shrug, and hopped into the line, scrapping a share of food off her plate into the fire, and saying Hermes, before going back to take her place at the table. Aj mimicked her actions, then went back to the table, and took his place across from her, and ate his food with the rest of the camp, until Chiron stamped his foot loudly on the concrete floor of the pavilion. "Attention Campers! It is time for capture the flag!" He said with a wise smile.