Status: This story is still in the making! If you likey, telly? Haha thanks guys, and i hope you have as much fun reading it as we do making it! :D

Camp Half-Blood Heroes

Camp Halfblood Heros Chapter 13

Caly sat alongside her fellow cabin sharers, and looked into her empty cup. She looked around, wondering if she was supposed to get a drink from somewhere when out of nowhere, she felt a hand tapping her on the shoulder. "Let me help you with that." The blue eyed, brown haired boy said. He had a hint of freckles across his nose, and he grinned at her when she nodded, not being able to think of anything else to say. "What's your favorite drink?" He asked with a tilt of his head. "er...Pepsi?" With that answer, she grimaced, remembering how her and her dad used to sit outside on their hammock and mix mountaindew and pepsi together. Her dad always loved Mountain Dew and she hated it. So they came up with the idea of mixing it. "Alright" That boy said with once again, a grin. He took her cup in his hand, and stated, "Pepsi." and the cup slowly filled up to the top with the said drink. Caly raised a brow, and took back her cup, placing it on the table. "Thanks" She said with a smile. "I'm Calysta btw. But just call me Caly." "Cool. Jacov. Pleasure." Does he always have to smile after every sentence? Caly smiled, and sat down as the food was brought out in front of them. "Oh and before you take a bite." Caly turned her head to look at him as he sat down over by the Athena Cabin. He practically shouted. "Your supposed to share a portion of your food with your parent." He said with (yet again) a smile. Caly didn't even know who her godly parent was, so what was the point? With a sigh, she did what everyone else did, and sat back down, finishing her meal. "Looks like the fun's about to start." The girl next to her whispered with a bright smile. Confused, Caly was about to ask, but was interrupted by a loud stomping noise, coming form Chiron. "Attention Campers!" He flashed a kind smile. "It is time for capture the flag!" A roar of cheering erupted from the mess hall, and Caly stood up, unaware of whats going on. "Calm down Fishie, its just a game." She looked over her shoulder to see Jacov and another dark curly haired boy standing next to him. "fishie?" She asked with a raised of her eyebrow. "What? Your name sounds like that fish goddess or whatever." He grinned. Caly rolled her eyes and locked them on the other boy. He seemed just as confused as she was. "Oh this is Derek. Hephaestus kid." She listened and nodded when Derek and Jacov told her how he got claimed by his parent. Apparently, he was in the Hermes Cabin and a flaming hammer took over his bunk and burnt it down. Good enough sign to get owned by your parent, she thought. Caly followed the line of campers over to where chiron was as they got split up into teams. Caly was about to step over to the blue side, when all of a sudden, Derek yelled out, "Holy mother fucking shiiiiittt!" They all turned to look at him. But then she realized everyone's eyes were on her. "What??" She asked frantically and Jacov knelt down, pulling Derek along with him. He once again, looked confused. Mika from earlier, knelt down and said, "Artemis." Everyone tilted their head towards her, and she looked around seeing what the big deal was. "Er...I-" "Calysta Sofia Keith. Daughter of Artemis." Chiron boomed behind her and tilted his head as well. Thats what it caught her eye. Around her waist, was a belt that held a row of glowing sharp daggers. And when she said glowed, it was fricking glowing. Like the sun. She mentally groaned. Ok, so this was how it felt to be claimed? This was embarassing, she thought. As she turned around, thinking that this was pretty much it, in the forest she spotted a line of bright yellow eyes. And she wasn't the only one who saw them. "Hold on..."Chiron said, standing in front of the other campers, as the head wolf(the biggest) stepped foreward and bowed its head in Caly's presence. To be honest, caly was scared shitless at the moment. The wolves were HUGE, and she was defenseless, except for the daggers that her mother apparently had JUST given her. "Child of Artemis." Was all the large wolf said, before her and her pack disapeared into the woods again. Wait a second. Caly blinked. Did she actually just hear a wolf talk? She turned around and looked at everyone, who had been cowering behind the dinner tables, or behind chiron. She saw the blonde boy from earlier and his expression was either confused, shocked, or just dumbfounded. Chiron looked on Caly. "Now we know which cabin to put you in, Calysta." He said ever so calmly, with a smile. Around her she heard whispers, about how Artemis wasn't supposed to have a kid, and that it was all a lie. Honestly, she could care less. At least she knew who her mother was now. "Alright. Lets get back to business. Caly you are on the blue team." She nodded and took and step over to where the blue team was, and ignored all the stares everyone was giving her. They weren't very nice looks either, to be honest.