Status: This story is still in the making! If you likey, telly? Haha thanks guys, and i hope you have as much fun reading it as we do making it! :D

Camp Half-Blood Heroes

Camp Halfblood Heros Chapter 16

Aj stood with Andria, while Chiron lectured them all on the rules. No miming, or intentionally hurting somebody. Yeah yeah yeah, he thought to himself. He looked over at the guy who had just arrived, and told him the plan, and was about to tell the two others behind him, when he noticed one of them was Caly. "Hey Caly." He said softly, then turned around, when the leader, who's name he learned was Jacov agreed to the plan, and nodded, clapping Aj on the back once before getting ready. The conch horn blew, and Aj was off, Andria hot on his tail. She was supposed to protect him, or distract any of the other team that found him. He knew if it came down to it he'd end up protecting her, because thats what he would always do. He wouldnt stand back and let other people fight his battles. He just couldnt. Maybe he was too noble, but he would never let it happen. Aj slid down, ducking behind a tree just as a bunch of Ares campers ran loudly past them, chanting something stupid. After making sure they were gone, he motioned Andria forwards, and together they raced through the woods looking for the flag. They continued like this for at least an hour, until eventually, they came across a tree with a strange marking on it. Aj cocked his head at it, trying to figure out what it stood for, until something bright red caught flew into his perephrial vision. "Gotcha." He said with a slight grin. Andria turned, to him and nodded. "Ok, so we'll go together. I dont see anybody around, and by the look of things, they sent majority of their strong fighters out in the first round. Probably didnt think we'd get anywhere close to their flag." Aj nodded, and started sneaking forwards with Andria at his back. He snuck up the hill where the flag was place, and had just gotten a hand on it, when he was tackled, and roughly smacked to the ground, by an Ares camper. "Thought you'd get away with it that easy huh?!" Shouted the camper in his face. "Uh...yeah?" Aj said cocking an eyebrow at the camper confused, getting the reaction he wanted. A confused one. He used to campers obvious moment of hesitation to kick him off, and tackle him to the ground, and smacked him with the butt of his sword, before grabbing the flag, and running off with Andria, a string of red team campers on their tail. "TREE!" Aj screamed, at Andria, when they were far enough away, and both of them dove behind the nearest tree, waiting for the campers to pass, and just as they did, easily kicking them in the back, knocking them down, and dodging they're swinging swords, parying a few of them, and recieving only a few scrapes, and cuts. Then they were off again, running through the woods fast as lightning. Just as they thought they were in the clear, Aj got tackled, and the flag went flying right out of his hand, into the leader of the Ares cabin's. Clarrisse. He'd been warned about her. 'Dont mess with her Aj, she wont hesitate to kill you.' Bryan had warned. And look where he was now. Right in her clutches. He mentally groaned at his own stupidity, and winced when clarisse kicked him roughly in the gut. "Let him up boys. Keep a hold of her." Said Clarisse, as her "boys" Lifted Aj onto his feet, shoving him towards her. "Fight punk." Said clarisse, swinging at Aj, as her spear dug a nice 2 inch long scrape into his leg, causing him to wince. He grabbed his sword, and let his instincts take over. He started swinging, and slashing, and perying when she swung, dodgeing her attacks. He was doing pretty good, until he faltered for one second. Clarisse used this to her advantage, butting him in the chest with the back of her spear, giving him a bunch more cuts, and sending him slamming into a tree. "You wont win Punk. Give up now." She said, with a smirk, then she paled, and Aj heard a strange snapping sound, before he felt a heavy weight laying on the left half of his body. He groaned in pain, and opened his eyes, seeing the now broken tree laying ontop of him. "AXEL!" Screamed Andria, trying to get free from Clarisse's campers hold, but having no luck. Clarisse was pale, and wideyed. She turned to her campers flusterdly, and started ushering them away, leaving Aj stuck under the weight of the tree, to die. Aj could feel his lungs growing tighter from the weight of the tree ontop of him. He could barely feel his left leg, and his vision was bluring. He tried desperately to push the tree off of him, with no luck at all, but did manage to squirm slightly out of it, just far enough to land in the nearby creek. He lay in the creek for only a second, before he got a burst of energy. With a newfound hope, he lifted with all the strength he could gather, pushing the tree up, until he heard a large snapping sound, and watched as the tree split where he'd been pushing up on it. Clarisse and her fellow campers had come back, with help, Chiron right behind them, along with several other campers, including Andria, who ran to Ajs side quickly, but with no need. Aj watched bewildered, as water ran up his body, cleaning and healing all of his wounds. He could feel the bone in his leg going back into place, and his vision became sharper than it had ever been before. He stood up, and continued to watch the water clense his body of all injury, giving him newfound strength, until it was finished. He was looking at his closed, his mouth open in awe, Andria gripping onto his arm checking to make sure he was ok, when he heard gasps, all around, including from Andria. "Axel...." She said softly pointing to the top of his head. "Wha-" He said cutting off short, as he looked up, seeing the brightly glowing trident over his head. The Symbol of poseidon. "All Hail Ajax Cameron. Son of Poseidon, god of the seas, and the earthshaker." Said Chiron, getting down on one knee as all the other campers did the same, even Andria. Aj just stood there, unsure of what to do, the water now completely gone, and him completely dry, wondering why his father had chosen now to claim him.