Status: This story is still in the making! If you likey, telly? Haha thanks guys, and i hope you have as much fun reading it as we do making it! :D

Camp Half-Blood Heroes

Camp Halfblood Heros Chapter 19

Caly turned away and looked oh-so-casually at the woods, when Aj pulled Andria at his side and announced how they captured the flag together. It made her want to puke. At her side, Jacov snickered and nudged her, "I didn't think Artemis' kid would actually have a crush on someone." he joked, and raised an eyebrow. She glared at him, "Shut up with the Goddess of maidens jokes ok? She happens to be Goddess of Theives and Hunting too, so watch ur mouth" She warned, half jokingly. He grunted and shook his head, before turning his attention to the crowd. "Seems like everyone had dispersed" Jacov stated, and as she shrugged and turned to go, Derek nodded behind her, "Hey seems like he wanted to talk to ya" he said and then left. Caly looked to her right, to see if Jacov was gonna ditch her too, and apparently he already did. With a huff, she straightened up, and smiled just when the boy arrived right in front of her. "I'm sorry for this morning" He stammer, "once i...passed out." She wasn't sure but he winced when he finished that sentence. "Oh no no no its fine. hahah..wasn't your fault. You saved my life afterall." She said with a smile, and a tilt of her head. "Your arm." He stated, staring straight at her. Caly had forgotten about that, and mentally cursed. "I-" Before she could say anything else, he lead her over to the water and knelt down with his elbow dipped into it. She felt a tingle at first, when he put his fingers ontop of hers and then a kind of relieving feeling. She looked down at her arm, and saw that it had been completely healed. "Wow." She managed to gasp out, as she examined it. All that was left was just dry blood stains. "I'll talk to you tomorrow." Aj (He had introduced himself, very politely to her) said behind him. Caly lifted her head to see the dark haired girl from earlier. Andria was it? Anyway. She gave him a smile. A few seconds later, Greatin showed up, asking if he was interrupting something, and Caly just rolled her eyes. She glanced at Aj who just simply said no. So she just went along with it. She can't be involved with a guy anyway she thought. What would her mom say? "Bye." Was all she said before they both disapeared. "Right. okay then.." She muttered to herself, before swinging herself around and walked, through the woods. Yes, she's taking the long route through the forest because why? She loves nature. As she walked, with her hands playing around with her hair, she saw tree nymphs, and Satyrs chasing each other around. Dryads were tending their flowers, and a very stubby woodland elf was running around, trying to catch a rabbit. Caly took in a content breath and closed her eyes. Once she was near the cabins, she found Grover, the satyr from earlier heading out to the woods, and she nodded and smiled, and said the usual good nights. He seems pretty chill, she thought with a tilt of her head. "Everyone's in bed already?" She wondered aloud, seeing how all the lights were off. She met up with Greatin just as he turned away from the Big blue house(Poseidon, of course) and jumped as he ran up to her, bleeting, "Calysta! your cabin's over here!" He said, tugging at her shirt. "Ok ok! Im coming!" she said, as she half walked, and half dragged over to the silver cabin, that seemed to have a glimmering affect in the moonlight. It was actually pretty beautiful. She ran a hand over the greek words on the door, that said "Goddess of the hunt, the wilderness, the animals, fertility, and theives. Artemis." Greatin grinned as she read this out loud, and said "Pretty cool huh? Well its past curfew so i'll talk to ya bright and early tomorrow! Gooood night!" and with that, greatin turned and went off heading towards the woods. With a sigh, Caly turned the knob, and entered the moonlit room. It was pretty dark, and kind of...woodsy in there if she would even call it that. There was one bed that seemed to built using a silver crowbar and tree vines, but it worked rather well with the room theme. There was a t.v hanging in front of the bed, and a basket full of water bottles and sodas, the basket itself, seemed to be keeping the drinks nice and cool. There was a boombox, that was attached to an ipod, filled with about 1000 songs to Caly's liking, and as she picked it up and scrolled through the playlists, she smiled. "Thank you momm" She laughed lightly, plopping down on the bed. It smelled just like home. Caly felt her stomach tighten a bit, as she remembered how her dad always says good night to her, no matter how busy he was. He would bring her one of his best mocha frappe before bed, even though it had caffeine in it. She groaned, and hid her face in a pilliow. She lifted her head and looked out the window, after about 30 minutes of not being able to sleep. Caly was bored and that was definitely not a good thing. When she gets like this, back at home, she would always get herself into trouble. But unable to resist the urge, she got up, put on a jacket, and slipped into her pair of converses, and headed out the door, closing it gently behind her. All she could hear was an owl. Maybe its her mom telling her to get back into bed, she joked thoughtfully. Caly looked from left to right, finding no trace of any life forms so she took off towards the forest. She found a good spot, near a pond and sat down with her legs criss crossed just staring up at the sky. "" This was the first time she tried talking to her mom who apparently is a goddess. "I don't know if your busy or...not real." She muttered the last part very quietly, and heard an owl hoot which made her jump. "Ok ok well..." She sighed. "Can you take care of dad for me? I made a mistake. I shouldn't have left home, and since your a...a goddess...just watch over him?" She pleaded looking up straight at the sky. "No answer...oookay." She said with a huff. Caly got up then, and brushed herself off,wrapping her arms around herself. The temperature dropped all of a sudden, but she didn't really think much of it, considering what had happend during the past 2 days. She walked about 5 steps, when she heard a loud cracking noise coming from her left, and she instinctively put a hand over her daggers. "The oracle..." A voice whispered around her. "whos there?" She said as calmly as possible but her tremors betrayed her. She was alone in the woods, at around 10pm and oh i don't know...monsters were gonna kill her? That was all that could run through her mind at the moment. "Oracle child..." Oracle? How could the oracle be out in the woods? She thought, considering the fact that Chiron had told her that The Oracle of Delphi was hidden away in an attic. And wasn't she a 3,000 year old mummy?! ok..Caly was definitely freaked out now.
"The children of the sea, of moon, and of fire,
2 others will join with unneeded desires,
Envy shall weaken the bravest of three,
Only sacrifice will set a thief free,
a leader will perish through cupid's arrow,
and death must conquer to retrieve love's sparrow."
Caly had stopped in her tracks, as these lines repeated over and over again in her head. who had said it, she doesn't know. But from there, she took off running, panting the entire way until she reached her cabin, and slammed the door shut, not caring who had heard. "Calm down Caly." She said through baited breath, "Someone's just trying to scare you." She slumped over to her bed, and just laid down, not being able to reach sleep, until an hour later. Strangely enough, she didn't dream at all that night. And she always dreams. When the sun rose the next day, and Greatin came to knock on her door, she didn't tell him about what happend that night. She would just let it pass, like all the other stuff she did. Nothing's gonna happen right? She didn't hear it from the oracle itself so...whatever. But the words kept running through her mind, till the sun finally rose and Greatin came knocking at her door. She had a feeling it was gonna be a long day.