Status: This story is still in the making! If you likey, telly? Haha thanks guys, and i hope you have as much fun reading it as we do making it! :D

Camp Half-Blood Heroes

Camp Halfblood Heros Chapter 29

Caly tilted her head, when he apologized for asking if she was ok. To be honest she was the one who shouldve been blushing. No one ever seemed to be THAT worried about her before. She cleared her throat and smiled slightly, "Nothing to worry about. Were all friends here now so" She shrugged her shoulders lightly, "You saved my life afterall." Caly flashed a small grin at Aj and pulled her knees up to her chest. "So what do you think of that?...I personally think its a prophecy but it couldn't be for us. I mean we just GOT to camp 2 days ago..." Her shoes were covered in dirt, from her digging it under the ground for the past 30 minutes, so she started to casually brush it off. "But...Ok don't think I'm crazy. Please." She focused her eyes on him for a second before looking down at her hands, busying herself. "But I think the last part, 'and death must conquer to retrieve love's sparrow..' isn't one of aphrodite's animals a sparrow? What if something happened to it and.." Caly sighed frustratingly. "I don't know. I think we should tell Greatin, Chiron and the others." She looked back up at him, waiting for a response. He seemed to be taking it all in rather well, nodding every now and then and comforting her when she seemed like she needed it. It was a start of a beautiful friendship, she mentally thought. Without realizing that a smile had started to form on her face,(during a serious conversation too.) she covered it up with a cough or two, excusing herself as she turned her head in the opposite direction once again.