Status: This story is still in the making! If you likey, telly? Haha thanks guys, and i hope you have as much fun reading it as we do making it! :D

Camp Half-Blood Heroes

Camp Halfblood Heros Chapter 3

Aj quickly peddald to the bus station, his mind rushing the entire time. what had happend to his mom was beyond him, but he was DETERMINED to find out what had, and to help her. 5 Blocks from the station, Aj heard a screetching sound from an alley nearby, and paused for a second, looking into the darkened space, squinting to try and make out any prominite shape, or silhoutte he could, but finding absolutely nothing in the pure black shadow looming just inside the alley. Thinking he was just paranoid, Aj quickly hopped back on his bike, and continued to the station. After about 10 pushes, ajax suddenly found himself on the ground beneath his bike, his head throbbing. He started to sit up, but quickly lay back down, a throbbing pain in his head quickly shooting up as he moved. He felt something warm on his neck, and wiped his hand against the back of his neck, wincing, and pulling it back to his line of sight, taking in his now redened fingers. "Fu-" "Ajax cameron...death has called for thee..." A snarl erupted quickly cutting him off. Then Ajax noticed the large birdlike creature looming over him.It had two wings laying against its back, and a triangular head, with a sharp beak. Four legs held up its furry abdomen, armed with spike sharp talons, and a rather unusual looking knob with a string attached for a tail. "W-what...who are you..?!" He shouted at the thing. "My name is Griffith. I am here to settle your debts." Said the creature with a sharp smile. "D-debts...?" Ajax asked. The creature looked relatively annoyed by his question, but impatiently answered. "Yes, your destiny awaits you Boy. Hades has sought you out." Ajax knew enough to know that the word Destiny, you, and Hades in a sentence were NOT a good thing. So he did thing. He got up, and sprinted to his bike, hopping on it, and quickly riding the rest of the way to the bus station, pedaling as fast as he could, never ONCE looking back, the whole time expecting sharp talons to find their way into his back. Reaching the station, he quickly ditched his bike, and put a black beanie on over his head, to hide the bloody wound beneath, only THEN turning around to find the creature no where in sight. He was feeling lightheaded but he knew that he had to take the opportunity he had now, with the creature not following him to find his mother.
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So chapter 3? The rest will be posted quickly! Hope you can keep up ;D!~ Hale