Status: This story is still in the making! If you likey, telly? Haha thanks guys, and i hope you have as much fun reading it as we do making it! :D

Camp Half-Blood Heroes

Camp Halfblood Heros Chapter 38

“Ugh! Mrs. O’Leary!” Aj groaned as let another round of dog slobber found its way to his shirt. “Arrrrrrrrrrrrrmph” Was the only reply he got from the big puppy. Aj sighed, and laughed, petting the dogs head, and slowly got up, pulling his shirt off over his head, and throwing it over his shoulder. “Aruffff…?” Mrs. O’ Leary barked, in a curious tone. “Yepp. I have to go girl, im sorry.” Aj frowned at the dog, and pet its head one more time before patting her head, and turning around, grabbing his sword off the ground, watching bewildered as it turned into his old toy keychain once again. ‘Never gets old.’ Aj thought to himself, with a slight smile playing at his lips. He started to make his way back to the Big house, knowing it would soon be time to meet with the others for the meeting. ‘And to see Caly’ His mind seemed to think on its own. ‘No! Caly doesn’t feel the same way! She never will! Let it go!’ He thought back, trying to end the internal battle before it began. ‘Maybe she will? Why give up?’ His mind seemed respond, with almost an amused tone..? ‘Because she wont, And i-…im fighting with myself.’ Aj laughed out loud, and stopped jogging, shaking his head, and just laughing. “I am fighting with myself. Wow. Haha!” He chortled on for a few minutes, or so he thought. “Woooooh. Ah, that was good.” He chuckled one last time, before sighing, and looking at his watch, realizing a half hour had gone by, and that he was late for the meeting. “Gah! Fish Turds!” He muttered as he ran, as quickly as he could, the long distance to the big house. “Im here!” Aj shouted as he busted threw the door of the meeting room. The meeting room was small, and old, inside was an old ping-pong table, and a large variety of chairs, and a bunch of surprised, and somewhat amused looking campers. Chiron looked up at Aj, and cleared his throat. “Welcome, Ajax. We have been waiting.” Chiron said, with a somewhat amused tone himself, his eyebrow arching as he glanced over Aj. “Sorry. Got a little preoccupied.” Aj muttered, more to the floor, than to anyone. A few Cabin leaders snickered, others just frowned and shook their heads. With a sigh, Aj walked over to the one empty seat next to his brother, and noticed Caly at the other end of the table. ‘Guess it goes In cabin order then..’ Aj thought to himself gloomily. Before Aj could take his seat, Chiron stopped him, pressing a firm hand against his shoulder. “Please put on your shirt, Ajax.” He said, sounding serious, but also fairly amused. Aj went wideyed, and blushed cherry red. “S-sorry. I-“ He started to pull his shirt off his shoulder, only to find it was still soaking wet. Chiron seemed to be hiding a smile, but nodded, taking in the sight of a newly drooled shirt. “Mrs. O’ Leary strikes again it seems.” He chuckled, and nodded at Aj. “Have a seat then, child.” Aj nodded, and thankfully took a seat, just happy to have everyones eyes off of him. His brother nudged him from the seat over, and grinned at him. “Way to make an appearance.” He teased jokingly. Aj blushed again, and struck his brother in the ribs with his elbow. “Shut up Percy!” He muttered back. Percy just laughed, wincing slightly, and gaining a bit more attention, to which Aj just ignored, his focus now entirely on Chiron. “You have all been informed as to why this meeting has been called tonight.” Chiron paused for a moment, to see if anyone dare disagree, before going on. “A Quest has been called for, a new quest, even though the Great Prophecy has been fulfilled, a new has arisen. It calls for 7 campers, two of which are already known. The other 4 have yet to be choosen. Ajax, And Calysta, Son of Poseidon, and Daughter Of Artemis.” A bit of chattering erupted upon his mentioning of Caly’s mom. “Have been chosen to venture this quest. The quest does call for 3 others, but as to whom exactly those are, we are not yet sure of. Child of fire, we shall assume is a child of Hephaestus. We cannot be sure of whom this may be, considering how many children of his are apart of this Camp. Therefore, Ajax, and Caly shall be allowed to choose one Hephaestus camper of their choice.” Chiron looked at them both, and motioned for them to go out the door. Aj hesitantly got up, feeling strange being shirtless in a room full of people, and made his way to the door, holding it for Caly, and shutting it, closing them out of the people behind it for the moment.