Status: This story is still in the making! If you likey, telly? Haha thanks guys, and i hope you have as much fun reading it as we do making it! :D

Camp Half-Blood Heroes

Camp Halfblood Heros Chapter 4

Where the hell was she. "Calysta Keith, you are officially a dumbass." She muttered to herself, as she flipped the gps(she ''borrowed'' it from her history teacher) around in her hand. She couldn't even read this damn thing. With a frustrated groan,she shoved the thing back into her bag, and just focused on using her instincts. Thats what her dad always said right? Always follow your instincts? After about a mile of walking, Caly stopped to see a bus drive north. So she figured that was where the bus station was. Caly kept on walking until she saw a shadow, that completely blocked her vision, and disapeared right over her head. Immediately, she whirled around, to find nobody behind her. She looked up at the sky, and once agian saw nothing. Strange, she thought to herself. Caly picked up her pace, and gripped her bag tightly, even though it was wrapped around her shoulder. Better safe than never. Again, another shadow appeared above her head, and then when she turned to find what it was, it was gone. was definitely the perfect time to panic. Caly took off running, taking deep breaths, trying to calm herself. It was just a bird right? But the trail of blood, she saw while running didn't help much either and being the weakling she was, she stopped, and ran into an alley, puking all over a trashbin. Great. Just what she needed. Maybe running away wasn't such a good idea afterall, but there was no turning back now. Her father mustv'e seen the note already, once he had came home from work. Caly took in a shakey breath and headed out, only to find that she was at the Bus station. Only except a boy, who was bleeding profusely was standing, there dazed. She groaned. What the fuck happend to him? she thought, before making her way towards the bus station.
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OH! I Forgot! Hi my names Hale :D haha no for reals. Pronounced like HAY UL. Or Hail. My girlfriend Angel, her cousin Mike(Ma broski XD), and Myself write this story, for the fun of it, and hopefully for your entertainment! We love writting so :D! Tell us watcha think? That'd be awesome! Haha thanks guys!~ Hale