Status: This story is still in the making! If you likey, telly? Haha thanks guys, and i hope you have as much fun reading it as we do making it! :D

Camp Half-Blood Heroes

Camp Halfblood Heros Chapter 40

Aj carefully- well as careful as you can be when you’re dragging a full weighted teenager by one arm- flung Derek into the room, and nodded at Chiron. “Son Of Hephaestus. Derek is who we choose to venture on this quest with us.” Aj said timidly, now that the 15 odd teenagers eyes were on him once more. Chiron nodded, and smiled, his eyes seemingly wise, and joyful as always. “Very well. Derek, Please take a seat. All will be explained after the meeting has ended, child.” Derek, the guy Aj and Caly had dragged in by his arms, nodded, and clumsily took a seat on the floor in the far corner of the room. As soon as he sat down, everyones eyes left him, and returned to Aj, and of course, Aj was absolutely Thrilled about that-Note Sarcasm-. Chiron nodded, and Aj smiled just barely, as he watched Caly take her seat again, and didn’t realize he was staring until Chiron cleared his throat. Aj blushed, and a bunch of the cabin leaders Snickered, including his brother. “Have a seat please Ajax.” Chiron said, wearing a tight, but gentle smile. Aj nodded, hesitantly returning the smile, and taking his seat next to his brother again. “You li-“ Aj jabbed his brother in the rib cage once more shutting him up, glaring at him from the corner of his eye, inconspicuously. Percy winced for a moment, but turned his heading, getting the message, but Aj could clearly see the grin planted on his brothers face from out the corner of his eye. “Very well. It appears Derek too shall take part of this quest. Ajax, Caly,” Chiron said, making eye contact with them, before going on. “You both must choose 2 other campers you would like to venture with you on this quest.” Aj frowned, knowing he would only be able to choose two, and that it could easily be the toughest- and Last- decision of his life, Well so far that is. According to the prophecy, he had many tougher, more difficult decisions to make just down the road, but he wasn’t going to worry about those until he had to. There is only so much a guy can worry about at one time without his head exploding. Aj nodded, getting the message, and he saw Caly nod aswell. “You two have until morning to make your decisions. You will depart by noon upon the Argo III, and Leo shall be your navigator. Any questions?” Aj recognized a girl his brother had mentioned, Clarisse, with a rather pissed of expression on her face. ‘Must wanna be on the quest. Too bad so sad.’ Aj thought to himself, a rather amused smile taking over his face, until he remembered the circumstances, his face going blank quickly after, no emotion clearly visible on it. “Very well. You all know the rules, nothing discussed in here today shall be discussed outside of this room, unless ordered. Do you all understand?” Chiron stated, making eye contact with each and every camper, his eyes fiercely wise, and serious. Aj knew that anyone who dare talk about the quest if he didn’t permit it, would pay a consequence that wouldn’t be fun. At all. “Good. Meeting Dismissed.” And with those words, the 15 or more odd campers, got up, and shot out the door, and before he knew it, Aj was left alone with only his brother, Caly, Annabeth, and Derek.