Status: This story is still in the making! If you likey, telly? Haha thanks guys, and i hope you have as much fun reading it as we do making it! :D

Camp Half-Blood Heroes

Camp Halfblood Heros Chapter 44

Derek went back to his cabin, with his head hung low and his mind filled with very un-dereklike thoughts. As he entered his cabin to join his 5 other room-mates who are fast asleep, the realization of what he had gotten himself into hit him. Hard. "What the fuck man," He muttered as he sat down on the edge of his bunk, burying his face into his hands. Derek didn't understand what Caly and Aj were talking about with all the quest, monsters, chosen ones talk, but after the meeting he finally understood. He was literally going to hell. Where else? He groaned and pulled his hands away from his face to get a good look at them. 'So it's me, Aj, Caly and 2 others.' he mentally thought. Awesome. It wasn't because he was scared. It was because he knew he was going to screw it up for everyone else. What had the prophecy said? Something about death...? or envy? Oh wait. Envy shall weaken the bravest of three. He doubted that he was the bravest but still that line just seemed to keep on ringing in his ears. With a sigh he slumped back onto his bed, his head missing the pillow but he stayed still. One more night. One LAST night till he goes off on a trip he didn't even know he was gonna come back from. 'At least my mom doesn't have to worry about me anymore..' he thought. He turned over onto his side and closed his eyes. ''Sweet dreams, Derbear." He flinched as he quoted his mother's last words to him the night before he had been taken to camp. "Sweet dreams."
Morning couldn't have come sooner. When the conch horn blew signaling all the campers that it was about 9am, Derek practically jumped out of bed smacking his face on the metal floor of the hephaestus cabin. Everyone turned to look at him. "What?" He said as he stood up, balancing himself against the wall. 'nothing, nothin' they all said distinctively and when Derek raised his eyes to meet their's, they all set their gaze elsewhere. "Something on my face?" His hand went towards his face, brushing away his curly hair from his eyes as he flashed a bright, cheerful grin. No one answered him. Instead they just eyed him as if he reeked of death or something. Oh. That's when it all made sense. Derek's grin disappeared almost immediately. He couldn't blame them. He can't blame anyone. Without saying a word, he grabbed his bag filled with the stuff he hadn't unpacked when he first arrived, and marched out the door with his head high. If he was gonna leave feeling like a...a monster, he might as well do it in style. Or at least the mature way, that is. When he stepped out into the morning sun, with the fog dimly visible he headed straight for the Big house, hoping the others were there as well. Chiron had said they were leaving at noon on an Argo thingymabob right? So he figured since the camp was so uptight on schedule and everything, everyone would've been there before him. Boy, was he wrong. Upon entering the room he knew he should've knocked first. Mr. D and Chiron were having an all out pinocle battle with their cards laid out in front of them. "uh.." Derek gulped and was about to turn around when a huge, beefy hand was placed on one of his shoulders. "Oh Derek! your early. Argus oh stop, your frightening the boy." The familiar voice of Chiron said. Derek lifted his head to look at the man who had stopped him, and he instantly recoiled. Argus, was covered head to toe with eyes. There was one on his ears, his forehead, his neck, and even one on every single beefy finger of his. "Duuuuddeee.." He crooned before he could stop himself, and the monst-..well eye-man, seemed like he was enjoying it. Derek swore he saw something wink at him when Argus opened his mouth to yawn, before stepping outside leaving only Derek, Mr. D, and Chiron alone in the room with the hungry looking animal heads staring at him.