Status: This story is still in the making! If you likey, telly? Haha thanks guys, and i hope you have as much fun reading it as we do making it! :D

Camp Half-Blood Heroes

Camp Halfblood Heros Chapter 45

Aj woke with a restless sigh, and sat up in bed, looking over his shoulder to find his brother nowhere in sight. 'Must've already left. Or getting Annabeth...' Aj thought to himself. God that girl hated him. He didnt even know what he had done, but she didnt seem to like him a whole lot for some unknown reason. Aj could try again, and again, and again to get girls but...well...he never would. What guy could? Aj groggily got up out of his bed, dragging his rear to the bathroom, where he splashed his face with water, and swung his hair back into position. He stopped and looked in the mirrior for a moment. Staring back at him was a boy, with sharp features, and eyes as blue as the sea. His hair was blonde, and slightly cropped off at his ears, and slightly messed because he had just awaken. 'How could she ever fall for this.' Aj thought to himself. He knew Caly had no feelings for him, the way he did for her, but that would never stop him from trying to earn her heart. He knew he should give up before he got his heart smashed to bits, but he couldnt help it. He loved her and he couldnt honestly say why. 'Aphrodite, if you can hear this...grant me some luck with her, i beg of you.' Aj thought to himself. He stood, staring into the mirror for seconds more, before scoffing, and shaking his head. 'Who am i kidding.' He thought lamely to himself, before turning around, and grabbing his already packed back. He threw on a t-shirt, a pair of cargo shorts, and a sweat jacket, before tossing his pack over his shoulder, and heading out the door to the big house. As he walked, Aj thought about the days to come. He didnt know what could, nor would happen, much less did he know if he would make it back alive. Aj looked to his left suddenly, feeling eyes upon him. He paused in his steps for a moment, to take in the sight of Andria, peaking her head out of the Apollo cabin door, only to retreat back into the shadows as Aj found her watching eye. Aj sighed, and walked again, his feet pounding on the soggy earth in perfect time. As he reached the big house, he found only Derek, Mr. D.(Surprise), and Chiron. Mr. D. and Chiron were playing pinocle, and seemed to be having a very competitive, recreational game. Aj paused in the doorway, not wanting to interupt them, and turned his head, locking eyes with Derek, who quickly shuffled his feet, and found something very interesting on the carpet. With a sigh, Aj pushed inside the door, and sat his pack down against the wall nearest it, and walked over to Chiron, who looked up, hearing his steps echo off the house walls. "Ah, Ajax. Are you ready for your quest, son?" Chiron asked, with gentle, and wise eyes, as always. Aj nodded, not quite sure whether or not he trusted his voice. To be entirely honest, he wasnt ready at all. He was a kid, he didnt know how to fight monsters, much less help lead a quest! He was scared witless. So it was a good thing Annabeth was comming along. Aj laughed under his breath at his own bad joke, causing Chiron to raise a brow, and Mr D. to turn his head and look at the boy. Aj took in the...well...trashy god. "Something funny Jacky?" The old god asked. Aj frowned. "Its Aj-" Aj started to say, until the god cut him off. "Good. Then go have a seat over by Don over there." Aj sighed, and looked at Chiron, who winked at him before going back to his game. Aj walked over, and leaned agaisnt the wall where his stuff was laying, waiting impatiently for the others to arrive.
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New chapters comming soon guys :D! ~Hale