Status: This story is still in the making! If you likey, telly? Haha thanks guys, and i hope you have as much fun reading it as we do making it! :D

Camp Half-Blood Heroes

Camp Halfblood Heros Chapter 46

Caly chucked a clean jacket and an old diary into her already packed bag, and zips it up tightly. 'Today's the day' she thought to herself. In about 3 hours, her and her friends would set off on the Argo III on a trip like no other. Caly was dressed in a camp halfblood t-shirt with a white cardigan on top over it. Her hair was pulled back into a side ponytail and her faded, blue shorts were a big torn at the hem but she didn't care since its not like she was gonna show-boat to anybody anyway. And there was other things more important running through her mind. She didn't know who else was going with them but she hoped for the best, knowing that whoever they choose will only benefit them on their dangerous journey. Caly slung the bag over her shoulders and took a good look around her cabin. It was a bit depressing in the morning sun, since the curtains and walls were not shining the way it always did in the moonlight. She took in a deep breath. The woodsy yet calming aroma filled within her and Caly spun around and opened the door, stepping outside and shuts the door gently behind her. With a small smile, she repositions her bag and heads off towards the Big house where she thought it would be empty, since she got up pretty early that morning. As she reached the wooden doorway, she paused to knock gently but firmly, and was surprised when the voice of Chiron called out to her to 'come in'. She did as told and turned the knob, stepping inside and she nearly screamed and fell back on her butt when a man with eyes ALL over his body stepped outside. "Uh..." She blinked. "Oh that's just Argus. He's going to lead you all to the bus terminal and that's about as far as he will go. Come sit." Chiron said with a kind smile and Caly just shook her head. That shouldn't have been freaky to her, considering all that had happened in the last few days. Boy, this really was gonna be a long summer. Caly moved closer and saw that Derek and Aj were already there, waiting. They both looked a bit uncomfortable. In the corner of her eye, as she leaned against the pinochle table, she spotted Mr. D eyeing her as he took a drink from his coke. "Something wrong?" she asked with more attitude than she had expected then realized her mistake. Hey, ya can't blame her. It's in her nature. "Gutsy. Your lucky your heading off soon or I would've turned you into a bunny rabbit right on the spot." The god chuckled at his threat. Caly didn't find it funny at all. Chiron was tapping his fingers on the table, and Caly scooted a bit closer to Aj who shifted a bit closer to Derek. Apparently neither of them wanted to be near the party god. "Ah is Per-" As if on cue, Chiron was cut off as Percy burst through the door with two bags in hand. "Here! Gods Annabeth what's IN here?!" He panted out as he spoke to air. Caly gave him a funny look but then stopped when a figure starts to materialize right beside Percy, and when it came into focus, Annabeth held a yankees cap grinning at the dumb-founded trio. "Were not late are we? And oh I told you I can carry it myself didn't I?" She snapped gently at her boyfriend as she grabbed for her things and pecks him on the cheek once. Caly could hear Derek's snicker when Percy blushed with a full on cheesy smile, spread out across his face. So Percy and Annabeth were coming along with them. She couldn't be more grateful at the moment to be honest. 'At least we have some people with experience' she mentally thought. "Good." Chiron stood up stretching his legs that had been confinded in his fake wheel-chair and headed towards the door, "Mr. D, you don't mind not turning anymore campers into animals while I'm gone correct?" He turned his head to look at the Camp counselor who was busying himself with an empty coke can. Caly, Aj, and Derek both straightened to follow Chiron out, but then turned their heads at Mr. D a bit expectantly since his answers are always so gosh darn cheery. But to their amazement he just muttered something rather unamused in greek, and nodded. Caly had to put a hand over her mouth to resist the urge to laugh. There was just something about him that put a celebrating mood.
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Hey guys! So if you're likin the story feel free to comment or subscribee and i hope you guys like it! Just hoping to get some feedback to improve on things :D! Thanks a bunches! Oh and, we also have a tumblr if you'd like to check that out :O? Bunch of story pics and stuffs! The linky is:
Thanks again :D~ Hale