Status: This story is still in the making! If you likey, telly? Haha thanks guys, and i hope you have as much fun reading it as we do making it! :D

Camp Half-Blood Heroes

Camp Halfblood Heros Chapter 49

Although Caly didn’t really understand a single word Leo was saying, she had to admit she was pretty darn impressed with what he had created. The Argo III was made entirely of metal and bronze, and when it took off, she was amazed on how perfectly it flowed, as if it were a light feather, swaying in the wind. Or maybe that was just her, because to her far left, Aj and Percy didn’t look like they were enjoying it as much as she was. Caly raised a brow and when she was about to ask what was wrong, Annabeth gave her a look and mouthed ‘Don’t worry about it.’ So when the smart girl tells her to do something, of course she didn’t worry about it. But she couldn’t help seeing Aj so pale and frightened, so she took a step closer to him and tilted her head to the side, just looking at him. “Maybe you should take a seat?” She asked and when he slumped down in a criss cross position on the metal floor, she just stood there not knowing what else to do. ‘I don’t wanna be known as a man-stealer.’ she mentally thought. Then she noticed the irony. Haha. Man-stealer. She was already a dirty, rotten thief. Caly frowned instinctively as her mind raced with such…horrible thoughts. She wasn’t that kind of person. She really really wasn’t. With a sigh, and ran a hand through her dark hair which had now been made frizzy and tangled due to the wind draft. She glanced down and saw that Aj was looking at her, and her face flushed. “If you need me I’ll be over there.” Caly pointed to the far right corner of the ship, near the wheel. “So….yah.” She side stepped back, making her way slowly towards her destination. Gods, she was such an idiot. As she turned fully around and walked, leaning against the side near the deck she saw Leo and Derek at work on something like looks alot like an engine. Even though its all bronze and seems to have no gears within it, but still. She sank down and closed her eyes, with her head resting against the ship. ‘Mom’ Her mind thought aloud, hoping to get some response, ‘Watch over us, even though I know I’m a disappointment.’ To her surprise her eyes seemed to blue slightly, and when her hand went up to rub it, it came down wet. She never cries. Caly cleared her throat and straightened herself and just sat there, her legs spread out in front of her, as she drifts away to dreamland, lost in her thoughts.