Status: This story is still in the making! If you likey, telly? Haha thanks guys, and i hope you have as much fun reading it as we do making it! :D

Camp Half-Blood Heroes

Camp Halfblood Heros Chapter 51

Caly peeked open one of her eyes to see Piper and Annabeth, help the 2 kelpheads down to the ship’s cabins. Her mouth twisted slightly when she saw how close Piper was to Aj, but as quick as she did it, she mentally smacked herself. She didn’t even bother cursing her mom for being the Goddess of Maidens anymore. That was just how things were. Caly shouldn’t have even been born. Giving up on the depressing reality of things, she stood up and gripped on to the wheel as the ship swayed back and forth with the wind. ‘Huh.’ She tilted her head slightly and stared off into the horizon. The sky’s been sorta restless that day, and she couldn’t help but wonder if Zeus had anything to do with it. And as if the big bad god himself heard her thoughts, behind her there were thunder clouds booming loudly as if signaling its arrival. The dark and misty air loomed over the Argo III and from the other side of the ship, Caly saw that Jason, Leo, and Derek sensed something as well. Shrugging, she didn’t think much of it. Caly rolled her eyes and stepped down to the main area where the others were, and saw Annabeth and Piper come up from the cabins. ”What’s going on?” Annabeth asked wrapping her arms around herself, as the temperature drops about 10 degrees. “A storm.” Jason and Caly said that simultaneously but something from Jason’s worried tone caught Caly off guard. She didn’t think a little rain was that big a deal. Was it gonna ruin the ship or something? Cause the dragon he-…or well ‘Festus’ to spaz out and spit out fire? Harhar. ”Guys, its just a sto-” She was cut off by Jason’s sudden shudder. “The air’s really electrified at the moment.” he said, glancing at Leo and Piper. Annabeth’s mouth formed a thin line, as she took a look behind her at the cabin entrance, as if she was worrying about something or someone else other than the storm that was hovering above them. “Where are the others?” Leo wondered aloud, to which piper just nodded towards where Percy and Aj were supposedly resting. “Oh.” Caly didn’t like the sound of that ‘oh’ at all. “Ok. Why are you all freaking out?” She looked to Leo’s right, to see that Derek had the same confused look as she did. He was playing with something in his hands which were held firmly behind his back, and she could’ve sworn she saw a spark of something like a firecracker. And before Annabeth could answer, a flash of terror overcame her face causing her to run immediately towards the resting chamber’s entrance yelling “DUCK!” Caly did as told, as a bolt of lightning struck the edge of the ship. Dust and miscellaneous pieces of scrap metal flew everywhere, when they decided it was safe enough to open their eyes and look up. There, flying just a few feet above the ship’s bow was a Sybaris. “Oh my gods.” Caly was too stunned to move. The demon’s dark, soul-less eyes seemed to be glaring them down, and its yellow spiked teeth was pulled up in an evil grin. It’s bat like wings expands about 5 yards even and its wrinkled, mud stained body didn’t seem like it was in need of much to lift it off the ground. “Well well well.” It screeched as it did another swoop, causing more dark lightning to strike down upon the ship. Caly screamed and put her hands to her ears. She could see Jason flip some kind of golden coin, and a huge battle ax appear in his hands almost instantaneously. Annabeth had a yankees cap in one hand and a medium sized dagger in the other, already in defense mode over the cabin doors. Why was she trying to defend that? Probably cause of Percy…but…Caly didn’t get why Annabeth didn’t try to wake his ass up in the first place. It seemed like they needed all the help they could get. “YO FREAKSHOW.” The voice came from Leo who was holding a huge hammer that looks like it belonged to Thor. He waved the thing around in one hand, and in the other he held a massive fireball. Just like the kind Derek had the day before they took off. “Wh-” She stammered, and Derek who shook the stun out of him, put a foot right in front of the other and yelled, “Flame on!” like the guy from Fantastic 4. And surprise surprise…balls of flames erupted from the palm of his hands and Leo gave him a somewhat proud and approving nod. Right then and there, she realizes how useless she was. Even Piper had a bronze dagger in hand and she seems to be glowing with confidence. Caly had to admit she was a little jealous. Then her hand came across something, sharp and cold around the hem of her belt. Her daggers. She couldn’t help the smile that spread across her face as she stood up and slipped the shard out of her belt, twisting it around in her hand. Although she was shaking…she felt somewhat helpful. The Sybaris didn’t seem impressed at all. It licked its frail, battered lips and screeched once more, “Looky looky at the strong men we have here.” Sybaris’ eyes flashed with a look of hunger and thirst, and that frightened Caly more than anything. Then it hit her. That thing wasn’t after anything, BUT the guys on this ship. What was it she had learned in history class in 6th grade…? Oh yeah. The demon came from Lamia where they were literally created just to feast on men. “Where oh where are you hiding the others.” It screamed as it did another swoop towards them. Annabeth slashed as it tried to get to the bottom deck’s door. Piper even gave a low snarl, that didn’t seem to surprise Caly at all. Jason, Leo, and Derek took a step back. “Uh…dudes.” Derek said as he looked back and forth from his brother to Jason. “I think were chow.” “Shut up man.” Jason shot back, though his voice seemed very uncertain. “Your not if I can help it.” Piper stated confidently. The guys nodded in unison as she said it. Dang. “Bahahaha!” The creature cackled as it threw its head back in amusement, “Sybaris has not eaten in decades” The thing stuck its long snakey tongue out as if it was panting, “Come sweet girls. Feed me and I shall reward you handsomely.” numerous amounts of gold rained down from the monster’s wings. So…much… god…Caly thought to herself. Back in her town, she would’ve had to pickpocket over 100 people to even see that much. But now…She shook her head. Stop it. Your not a thief. Your not who you used to be. “Caly. Focus.” Annabeth’s voice was dead serious, and when she look towards her, the child of Athena’s face was pale. She tightened the grip on her dagger. Sybaris’ eat men, she reminded herself. Stay. On. Guard. Now Caly understood why Annabeth was guarding the chamber doors. Her boyfriend was in there. And so was Aj. The demon’s gaze went around the entire ship, until it had settled on her, causing caly’s body to tense up immediately. “Daughter of Artemis eh?” it screeched yet again. Caly didn’t answer. She just glared. And the monster cackled yet again, to show that it wasn’t afraid. “I have a bunch of things I can reward you with, child.” Her heart was beating a thousand miles per hour. And in the distance she could faintly hear Leo or Derek yell something like, “DUDE. CUT ITS HEAD OFF.” but she didn’t pay much attention to it. “Your mom would be proud of you, if you show her what you have recieve from me.” The thing sneered. Artemis? Proud? Of her daughter that she had regret having…? That all sounded really good to Caly. She was jealous of all the other kids at camp. Jealous of all the normal kids too. Why was she chosen to do the gods dirty work? Why were everyone else?! Resentment shook her, and she closed her eyes as the Sybaris let out another cackle and swooped down towards the chambers doors. Caly heard Derek and Jason in full battle mode. Piper yelling something that seemed like orders but at the same time, soothing? Annabeth’s dagger was clinking as she fended off the monster’s claws. Leo was shooting fireballs at the thing, to no avail. And all caly did was stand there with her eyes closed, letting it all happen. She knew she had to help her friends. She knew Sybaris had her in a trance. But envy and opression had her wrapped around its finger.