Status: This story is still in the making! If you likey, telly? Haha thanks guys, and i hope you have as much fun reading it as we do making it! :D

Camp Half-Blood Heroes

Camp Halfblood Heros Chapter 52

Derek was a deadman. He knew it right when the stupid, ugly, flying hag showed up. ‘Be brave.’ he mentally told himself. If his brother can do it, then so can he right? But then again Leo had alot more experience than he had, considering the fact that Derek had only arrived at camp less than a week ago. He thought going all ”Flame on” was gonna be impressive but apparently the damn Sybaris or whatever its called didn’t think so at all. When the thing swoops down over and over again, asking for Percy and Aj, Derek couldn’t help but get really really pissed. This freakshow wanted to eat them. Them. The boys. The big, buff guys that were supposed to be saving the girls most of the time. ‘Yeah right. Their your only hope now.’ his mind told him almost pitifully. And when he was about to send off a blaze off glory to blow the thing’s head off, the monster had set its eyes on Caly. Everyone around him looked at her, almost as if she was gonna push them under the bus or something. But he knew better. “DUDE. CUT ITS HEAD OFF!” He screamed at her. But she didn’t seem to respond. Her eyes were closed and she was swaying back and forth with a huge, scary frown on her face. As if she was in a battle with herself. ”Ohhhh no. Were dead.” Derek said once more, and recieved a full on smack from Piper. “Stop it. Your going to be fine.” The native american chick, who looks like an absolute babe (just saying) had a feirce look upon her face. And right when she was about to open her mouth to say something, The Sybaris pelted her with gold. “Hey!” Jason yelled as Piper was flung back as the gold continuously attacked her. Derek saw him charge towards the monster with his ax swinging furiously, and Leo charged in alongside him. So. Derek charged as well. ‘Why the FUCK didn’t his dad give him something to work with here?!’ He mentally thought as he blew fireballs at the creature’s face. Leo has fire power too, but he gets an awesome magic toolbelt. Guess he knows who’s the favorited kid now eh? ‘the ground.’ his mind shot back. But it didn’t sound like ‘his mind’ at all. Derek paused mid-fireball as his mind said ‘the ground’. Uh ok then. His hands suddenly felt heavy. He sank down towards the floor of the ship, and sent a fire rushing out of his palms. Then suddenly, he rose. He rose and in the midst of his grasp was a huge, pointed spear with the sign of hephaestus engraved on the tip of the arrowhead. “Awwwww yeaaaa.” He grinned. But it immediately disappeared when the Sybaris dove down on him, cutting into his jacket with her claws. Now, its personal.