Status: This story is still in the making! If you likey, telly? Haha thanks guys, and i hope you have as much fun reading it as we do making it! :D

Camp Half-Blood Heroes

Camp Halfblood Heros Chapter 54

’Clank, clink, phoosh!’ Caly’s eyes fluttered profusively as she tries to open them. Her hands flew to her face as her mind race with sudden images of her friends. Aj and Percy were out there, fighting their butts off, Piper was yelling something at Jason who chucked a piece of gold at the cackling Sybaris’ meekly. Leo and Derek were still sending blaze upon blaze towards the monster, but she knew they were weakening by the minute. ‘Stop it stop it stop it STOP IT’ She shrieked desperately inside her head. ‘You know you want to, child of Artemis.’ A familiar, devious voice echoed within her. ‘Your mother doesn’t like men correct? Think of how proud she would be. Think of all the riches I can give you!” The voice seemed to sneer with every word. Caly shuddered, and thrust around in the bunk someone had put her on. No. She isn’t gonna let her friends down. She didn’t care what other people have. She didn’t care if her mom wasn’t gonna be proud of her. She didn’t care if she was gonna die. All she knew at that moment was that her friends were in trouble. ”Get the hell out of my HEAD!” She shrieked once more, and forced her eyes open, panting. She sat up and looked around the shut in spaces of the cabin, and looked up just in time to hear a loud ”BOOSHH!!” ‘Fireballs.’ she thought. With her forehead already beaded with sweat, she got up on her feet, and burst through the door only to find Andria over Aj. She didn’t care anymore. Caly grabbed for her daggers, and headed over to the Sybaris, who was swooping right over Leo and Jason. “YOU!” She called out loudly, and right when the demon turned its attention towards her, Caly brought the dagger up to her ear and let it go. The shard spiraled around and before the Sybaris could even show its astonishment, the weapon hit it point on in the forehead. The Sybaris’ let out sharp screech. “YOU. INSOLENT. FOOL.” It fell onto the ship causing the Argo III to quake. Caly didn’t even flinch. She stood her ground, as the creature crawled towards her, seeing that it was disinegrating inch by inch. It’s legs were gone…hips…and right when its torso was about to go bye-bye, the Sybaris reached Caly. “Have fun in hell.” She muttered to the monster as it completely turned into dust, blowing away with the wind. “Wh-….” “What the fuckkkkk.” Caly spun around to see that Aj and Andria were looking at her with a sort of…amazement. Andria looked sort of pissed off in a way but of course, Caly didn’t mind. She didn’t mind one bit. The sky cleared up slightly and the atmosphere lit up as the ship moved back to its original steady pace. Leo and Jason were leaning against the side of the ship, and Derek was on the opposite side with a somewhat nauseous look on his face. Piper was kneeling on the ground with her weapon in hand, eyeing Caly in a peculiar way. Annabeth materialized in front of her with Percy right by her side. “Uh…Sorry. I hope you know that I wasn’t gonna let that thing eat ya.” She tried to hide the emotion in her voice. She wasn’t that type of person. “So…ok.” Caly’s voice died off towards the end as she drags herself away from the others and onto the deck of the ship. Everything seemed like it was going back to normal, and Caly was grateful. But now she’s more of a freak than anything. From a far distance, she could hear Andria whisper something into Aj’s ear, and it sounded like a ”are you ok?” She pulled her knees up to her chest, and blew out a breath of relief. Within a minute, Leo had Derek back on track with the sail engines, and Jason and Piper were in a deep conversation about something. Percy was back to his jetlagged self, and Annabeth had that usual frown on her face when she was deep in thought. All Caly wanted to do then was go home. To her dad. ‘Envy shall weaken the bravest of three.’ her mind whispered. Huh. That sure did sound familiar.